Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 4

1201 - One of the reasons for the evolutionary success of the kingdom Monera is that its members are nutritionally diverse. Which of the following(s) is/are the way(s) of obtaining energy?

All of the above

1202 - One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus. This phenomena is____________?

Viral interference

1203 - Opacity around colonies of Clostridium perfringens is due to_________________?


1204 - Operation theatres are sterilized by_____________?

Formaldehyde fumigation

1205 - Opportunistic infection is caused by___________________?

All of the above

1206 - Opsonisation is by_______________?

Both B & C

1207 - Optimal pH for enzyme will be ?


1208 - Ordinary inoculating loop can be used for inoculation of yeasts.


1209 - Organ of locomotion in bacteria is________________?


1210 - Organic molecules that increase the rate of metabolic reactions with themselves changing are known as


1211 - Organism most frequently associated with urinary tract infections is_________________?

Escherichia coli

1212 - Organism that have little risk of infection can be derived from which of the following type of laboratory?


1213 - Organism that produce lactic acid as well as some other acids and alcohols are known as

Both A and C

1214 - Organisms are parasitic and have a resistant spore with one to six coiled polar filaments belong to which phylum of Protozoa?


1215 - Organisms can synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation when they

pass electrons to oxygen through an electron transport system containing cytochromes

1216 - Organisms such as lactobacilli that have elaborate requirements for specific nutrients i.e. vitamins and other growth promoting substances, are generally called as

fastidious hetrotrophs

1217 - Organisms which have spore-forming stage in their life cycle and lack special locomotory organelles belong to which phylum of Protozoa?


1218 - Organisms with amoeboid cells that move within a network of mucous tracks using a typical gliding motion belong to which phylum of Protozoa?


1219 - Organisms with complex life cycles which include a mammalian host and an insect host and involves schizogony as part of the cycle belong to which phylum of Protozoa?


1220 - Organisms, using organic compounds as electron donors are called


1221 - Outer membrane of gram negative bacteria made up of

All of these

1222 - Overactivity of Th cells may result into


1223 - Oxidation is the

loss of electron

1224 - Oxidation ponds are shallow ponds, generally designed at the depth of

2 to 40 feet

1225 - Oxidation ponds are very deep ponds.


1226 - Oxygen is toxic for growth of _____ ________bacteria

Facultative anaerobes

1227 - Paper, glass beads can be used to immobilize enzymes.


1228 - Paralytic shell fish poisoning caused by which of the following algae?


1229 - Parasitic infection/s frequently observed in HIV disease is / are.

all of these

1230 - parasitic inflammation would show predominantly____________________?


1231 - Parasitism results from competition among organisms for essential nutrients.


1232 - Parsnip like odour and taste in beer is caused by

Flavobacterium proteus

1233 - Parvoviruses contain how many genes?

3 genes

1234 - Passage of water from a low solute concentration into the cell is referred to as ______________


1235 - Passive diffusion requires the use of membrane transport proteins for the transport of solute molecules across the membrane.


1236 - Passive immunization is done for


1237 - Pasteur developed the vaccine for_______________?

All of the above

1238 - Pathogenesis of diphtheria is attributed to__________________?


1239 - Pathogenic bacteria can be :

All of these

1240 - Pathogenic fungi have a temperature optimum at __________

30 to 37 degree celsius

1241 - Pathogenic treponemas can be maintained in________________?

Rabbit testis only

1242 - Patients with botulism are treated with monovalent antitoxin.


1243 - patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with______________?


1244 - PCR stands for________

Polymerase Chain Reaction

1245 - Pectinase, an enzyme used for increasing yield and for clarifying juice is obtained by

all of these

1246 - Penicillin causes inhibition of Mycoplasmas.


1247 - Penicillin G is also known as

benzyl penicillin

1248 - Penicillin resistance in staphylococci is acquired due to


1249 - Penicillium chrysogenum is a better penicillin producing species.


1250 - Peptidoglycan accounts for __________ of the dry weight of cell wall in many gram positive bacteria

50% or more

1251 - Peptidoglycan is also known as

murein mucopeptide

1252 - Peptidoglycan is found only in the bacterial

cell wall

1253 - Peptidoglycan is made up of __________

N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylmuramic acid, amino acids

1254 - Peptidoglycan layer is present in large quantity in?

Gram-positive bacteria

1255 - Peptone water and nutrient broth are

basal media

1256 - Periplasm is

the area between the inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria

1257 - Petroff-Hausser cell counter is used in _________

Direct Microscopic count

1258 - pH range optimal for maximum metabolic activity of protozoa is ______________


1259 - Phage conversion is required for________________?


1260 - Phagocytosis enhanced by coating the surface of antigen is called______________?


1261 - Phase contrast microscopy is based on principle of__________________?

Different refractive indices of object

1262 - Phenol is considered as a chemotherapeutic agent.


1263 - Phosphatase enzyme present in milk is destroyed in which of the following processes?


1264 - Phosphate deregulated mutants are

less sensitive to phosphate regulation

1265 - Phosphate is considered to restrict the induction of

secondary metabolites

1266 - Phosphate regulation has been observed in the production of

all of these

1267 - Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is converted to oxaloacetate by the enzyme PEP deaminase.


1268 - Phospholipid used to investigate syphilis by the reagin test is________________?


1269 - Phosphorus is essential component of __________

teichoic acid, nucleotides, phospholipids

1270 - Photolyase enzyme responsible for _______

Repair DNA by separating dimer back to original thymine

1271 - Photoreactivation can cause repair of DNA damaged by which of the following mutagens?

UV rays

1272 - Phycoerythrin pigment is present in which algal division?


1273 - Physical sterilization was discovered by__________________?

Joeph Lister

1274 - Phytoplanktonic organisms are non-motile.


1275 - Pickled cucumber is made from fermented salt-stock pickles.


1276 - Pigs are important source of_____________?

Japanese encephalitis

1277 - Pigs respond dramatically to the addition of which of the following antibiotics to their diet?


1278 - Pink rots in eggs is caused by the strains of


1279 - Plamids are circular DNA molecules capable of autonomous replication.


1280 - Planktonic means:

Free swimming organism in water

1281 - Plant viruses may be cultivated in

all of these

1282 - Plant viruses penetrate host cells through transient ores called


1283 - Plaque test is used routinely in virology lab's for________________?

Identification of viral disease

1284 - Plasmagel is known as __________________


1285 - Plasmid that carries genes encoding enzymes, which degrade substances such as aromatic compounds, pesticides or sugar are

metabolic plasmid

1286 - Plasmid__________________?

Both A & B

1287 - Plasmodium divides by which of the following method most commonly?

Multiple fission

1288 - Plastic implants can pose a serious nosocomial infection problem because

all of the above

1289 - Plate count of bacteria in foods generally use the plating medium consisting of

peptone, yeast extract, glucose, sodium chloride, agar and distilled water

1290 - Plate counts are often reported as


1291 - Platyhelminths meant by


1292 - Pleomorphic viruses possess double-stranded DNA.


1293 - Pneumococus can be differentiated from streptococcus by________________?

Bile solubility

1294 - Poliovirus attaches to central nervous system by means of ______________


1295 - Polioviruses belong to which of the following groups?


1296 - Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate(PHB) present in aerobic bacteria can serve as?

a reserve carbon and energy source

1297 - Polyene antibiotics act on the plasma membrane of the fungus.


1298 - Polyene antibiotics are

large ring structures

1299 - Polyisoprenoid branched-chain lipids, are present in which of the following?


1300 - Polymerase chain reaction basically consists of

three steps

1301 - Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (or PMNs)

all of the above

1302 - Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a complex belonging to which group?


1303 - Pontiac fever is a more severe disease than Legionnaires̢۪ disease.


1304 - Populations of cells descending from a single cell are known as ____________


1305 - Porins are located in

the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria

1306 - Porins are special proteins act as channels in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.


1307 - Portal of entry of poliovirus in mainly_______________?

Gastrointestinal tract

1308 - Porter or permease is located in the _______________

cytoplasmic membrane

1309 - Portion of immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight to 50000_________________?

H chain

1310 - Post streptococcal acute glomerulo nephritis is an example of________________?

Type III hypersensitivity

1311 - Postgates assay technique is useful in determining if a cell is viable even though it is

incapable of cell division

1312 - Precipitation reaction can be converted into agglutination reaction by coating soluble antigen onto

all of these

1313 - Precipitation reaction is relatively less sensitive for the detection of


1314 - Preparing colourless bacteria against or coloured background is called _______

Negative staining

1315 - Presence of HBe Ag in patients with hepatitis indicates_____________?

High infectivity

1316 - Presence of HBe Ag in Patients with hepatitis indicates_______________?

High infectivity

1317 - Preservation of foods by using salts and sugars works by

creating a hypertonic environment

1318 - Primarily human pathogenic bacteria is/are ,

all of these

1319 - Primary differences between cilia and flagella are

number, length and direction of force

1320 - Primary producers are found growing in which of the following layers of water?

upper layer

1321 - Prions true is____________?

Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121 C

1322 - Probiotic organism used_________________?

Bifido bacteria

1323 - Prodigiosin (red pigment) is produced by members of genus


1324 - Production of acetoin can be detected by which of the following tests?

Voges-Proskauer test

1325 - Prokaryotic cells are placed in which of the following kingdom


1326 - Prokaryotic microorganism include


1327 - Prontosil is

an effective antibacterial both in animals as well as in in-vitro cultures

1328 - Proofreading activity to maintain the fidelity of DNA synthesis

is a function of the 3'-5' exonuclease activity of the DNA polymerases

1329 - Propionate and acetate are produced as an end product of fermentation in which of the following bacteria?


1330 - Propionibacterium is normal resident of _______


1331 - Prosthecae helps in __________

nutrient absorption and attachment to surfaces

1332 - Protease, which is used for flavouring of sake and haze removal in sake is produced by

A. oryzae

1333 - Protein A is found in cell wall of

Staphylococcus aureus

1334 - Protein molecules can easily pass into the cell for being utilized for energy production.


1335 - Protein portion of an enzyme when it is combined with organic molecule is termed as


1336 - Protein synthesis in bacteria takes place on which of the following organelles?


1337 - Proteomics is

the study of the entire collection of proteins expressed by an organism

1338 - Protozoa and other minute animal life are known as ____________________


1339 - Protozoa are generally not


1340 - Protozoa have several types of vacuoles.The function of a contractile vacuole is to

maintain osmotic balance by continuous water expulsion

1341 - Protozoa that eat other organisms are known as _______________


1342 - Protozoan mobility is due to the fibrils present.


1343 - Prozone phenomenon is due to______________?

Excess antibody

1344 - Pseudohphae are seen in____________?

Candida albicans

1345 - Pseudomembraneous colitis is

all of the above

1346 - Pseudomembranous colitis is a disease of _________________


1347 - Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by the strains of which of the following microorganism?

Clostridium difficile

1348 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be diagnosed from the pigment, known as


1349 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms a blue water soluble pigment called


1350 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa_________________?

Causes Shangai fever

1351 - Pseudomonas bacteria uses which of the following as an electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration?


1352 - Pseudomonas maltophilia is a fluorescent species.


1353 - Pseudomonas nigrifaciens in mildly salted butter may cause

black smudge

1354 - Pseudomonas pseudoflava can grow as

both (a) and (b)

1355 - Pseudomonas syncyanea produces a

bluish gray to brownish color in milk in its pure form

1356 - Puerperal fever is a streptococcal infection of the ______________


1357 - Purple and green sulfur bacteria use ___________________ as the electron donor to reduce carbon dioxide.


1358 - Purple Sulphur Bacteria contains bacteriochlorophyll b and bacteriochlorophyll c.


1359 - Purpose of Sterilization is to eliminate________________?

Spore formers

1360 - Pyocyanin, a blue water-soluble pigment is produced by which of the following pseudomonads?


1361 - Pyoverdin is which type of pigment?

fluorescent pigment

1362 - Quantitative measurement of bacterial growth can be carried out by measuring

all of these

1363 - Quellung reaction is used for typing of

Both (a) and (b)

1364 - Quinolones are


1365 - Quinones and related antibiotics are

all of these

1366 - Quorum sensing can help bacteria to ___________with each other

All of these

1367 - R factors involved in plant-microbe interactions are

plant proteins

1368 - Rabies virus________________?


1369 - Radical shifts in pH can be prevented by incorporating

a buffer

1370 - Radioisotopes are frequently used in the study of cells. Assume a culture of E. coli is grown in a culture medium containing radioactive phosphorous. At the end of 48 hours, it is expected to find the radioactive label located in

all of these

1371 - Radioisotopes are frequently used in the study of cells. Assume a culture of E. coli is grown in a culture medium containing radioactive sulphur. At the end of 48 hours, it is expected to find the radioactive label located in


1372 - Rapid diagnosis of Tuberculosis is possible with_______________?

Auramine-Rhodamine stain

1373 - Rapid evaluation of fungal hyphae/spores can be achieved with_______________?

KOH wet mount

1374 - Rapidly expanding urbanization makes it difficult to generalize upon typical microbial flora of streams.


1375 - Raw milk of good sanitary quality will develop sweet flavour.


1376 - Recognition/binding site of RNA polymerase is called


1377 - Recombination of virus genomes occurs

simultaneous infection of a host cell by two viruses with homologous chromosomes

1378 - Red alga also called ____


1379 - Red snow of high altitudes is due to the presence of ________________


1380 - Reddening of meat in cooked meat broth is produced by

Clostridium perfringens

1381 - Reduction is the

gain of electron

1382 - Relaxin is a bacterial product what role it performs in medicine

It ease chil birth

1383 - Removal of solids is generally considered as a

Primary treatment

1384 - repressor protein makes the cell resistant to lysis.


1385 - Reproductive organs are formed on the rhizoidal hyphae.


1386 - Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to ________________________?

Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin

1387 - Resolving power of a microscope is a function of ____________

Wavelength of light used and numerical aperture of lens system

1388 - Restrictions enzymes were first discovered with the observation that:

phage DNA is destroyed in a host cell

1389 - Reverse transcriptase is a useful enzyme to have when

an RNA virus converts its RNA to DNA

1390 - Reynolds Braude phenomenon is shown by ___________________?

Candida albicans

1391 - Rh incompatibility is which type of hyper sensitivity reaction ?

Type II

1392 - Rhizopus have which type of spores?


1393 - Rhizopus nigricans produces which of the following products?

Fumaric acid

1394 - Rhizopus produces clusters of rootlike holdfasts called _____________


1395 - Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to which class?


1396 - Rho factor is a dimeric protein factor.


1397 - Rhodopseudomonas acidophila reproduces by which of the following methods?


1398 - Riboflavin is a by-product of __________ fermentation carried out by Clostridium spp.

acetone butanol

1399 - Ribosomes of prokaryotes have a sedimentation coefficient of?


1400 - Rickes et al. recovered active crystalline vitamin B12 from the culture of

Streptomyces griseus

1401 - Rickettsiae__________________?

All of the above

1402 - Rideal Walker test is used to determine the efficiency of the_____________?


1403 - Ring test is used for

all of the above

1404 - Ringworm of the scalp is known as ______________

tinea capitis

1405 - RISC stands for

RNA induced silencing complex

1406 - RNA consists of which combination of bases?

Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil

1407 - RNA in animal viruses exist as circular dsRNA.


1408 - RNA interfering promise for what?

A of these

1409 - RNA is a genetic material of ______


1410 - RNA populations can also be used as PCR templates after reverse transcription into


1411 - RNA that is complementary to a segment of another RNA molecule to which it will bind is known as

antisense RNA

1412 - RNAase is a single polypeptide chain of __________ amino acid residues.


1413 - RNAi is actually

Double stranded RNA molecuel

1414 - Robert H Whittaker provide which of the following kingdom system for classification ?

5 kingdom system

1415 - Robertsons cooked meat medium is best suited for cultivation of_______________?


1416 - Roll-tube technique is used to isolate ___________

stringent anaerobes

1417 - Root nodules formed by which of the following Bacteria?


1418 - Ropiness caused by Enterobacter usually is

worse near the top of the milk

1419 - Ropiness in bread is caused by

Bacillus subtilis

1420 - Rotary motor of flagella is associated with _________

M and S ring

1421 - Rough and buff colonies on LJ medium are characteristic of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

1422 - Rous sarcoma virus consists of RNA as its genetic material.


1423 - Rubella vaccines contain viruses are isolated only in African green monkey cells.


1424 - RuBisCO enzyme plays an important role in __________

dark phase

1425 - Rust and smuts are classified in which phylum?


1426 - S,the Svedberg unit is a measure of ____________________________

how fast a particle sediments during ultracentrifugation.

1427 - S. patorianns can cause

cloudiness in beer

1428 - S.pneumoniae produces which of the following type of colonies?


1429 - Sabouraud media for the growth of fungi is composed of ____________________

maltose and peptone

1430 - Sabouraud media has ________________

low ph, high sugar concentration

1431 - Sabouraud's dextrose is used to grow ___________


1432 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae help to produce__________

Both A and B

1433 - Saliva generally has a microbial population of _______ bacteria per milliliter.


1434 - Salivary peroxidise system is known to be effective agianst________________?

Lactobacillus acidophilus

1435 - Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is____________?

Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor

1436 - Salmonella typhi can be isolated at different times from______________?

All of the above

1437 - Salmonella typhi has which type of flagella arrangement?


1438 - Salmonellae can also be killed by

all of these

1439 - Salmonellois is caused by the

endotoxin of Salmonella spp

1440 - Same or closely related antigens present in different biological species are known as________________?

Heterophile antigens

1441 - Saprophytic bacteria cause

sliminess or souring in piled, wet and heating vegetables

1442 - Saprophytic fungi

secure their food from dead organic materials

1443 - Saprozoic nutrition is characterized by

pinocytosis of soluble nutrients and subsequent formation of phagocytic vacuoles

1444 - Sarcina sickness of beer is caused by

Pedicoccus cerevisiae

1445 - Scanning acoustic microscopy can help us to interpret which of the following structures?

All of these

1446 - Scarlet fever is similar to the pharyngitis in all respects.


1447 - Schick Test is used for detection of which of the following disease?


1448 - Schizosaccharomyces versatilis is isolated from ________________

grape juice

1449 - Schizosacchromyces also known as

Fission Yeast

1450 - Schuffner's dots are seen in infection due to_______________?

Plasmodium vivax

1451 - Sclerotic bodies measuring 3-5m in size, multi-septate, chestnut, brown color is characteristic of________________?


1452 - Scrapie is a chronic disease of which of the following animals?


1453 - Secondary response is mediated by_______________?


1454 - Secretory Ig is_______________?


1455 - Secretory piece of IgA is synthesized in______________?

Mucosal epithelium

1456 - Select the statement that does not apply to the kingdom Fungi

The fungi are eukaryotic, multicellular, ingestive heterotrophs

1457 - Selective media facilitate growth of only one kind of organism. Saboraud medium is used to selectively isolate


1458 - Selective media for MYCOBACTERIUM _____________?

Lowenstein Jensen medium

1459 - Selective media for the isolation of Shigella is

All of these

1460 - Self reactive antibodies are not found in significant concentration in normal serum because

B cells that are stimulated via their surface bound antibody in the absence of T cell help to commit suicide

1461 - Self replicating bacteria that is smaller in all bacteria also known as


1462 - Semi-solid media, prepared with agar at concentrations of 0.5% or less are useful for the cultivation of

Microaerophillic bacteria

1463 - Sereny test is used for the detection of

enteroinvasive E. coli

1464 - Seroconversion in HIV infection takes place in______________?

4 weeks

1465 - Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by______________?

Surface antigen

1466 - Serology deals with ________

Both B and C

1467 - Serum sickness syndrome is an example of________________?

Systemic arthus reaction

1468 - Sexual reproduction in the Protozoa occurs most commonly by


1469 - Shredded cabbage is the starting product for which of the following fermented food?


1470 - Shriveling in fermented pickles results from the physical effect of

all of these

1471 - Sickle cell anemia is which type of mutation?

missense mutation

1472 - Signs of tyhoid fever is/are_____________________?

All of the above

1473 - Silver impregnation method of staining is useful to demonstrate_____________?

Both of the above

1474 - Simulation of which of the following will lead to appearance of first antibody to appear following stimulation by an antigen?


1475 - Single or clusters of flagella at both poles is known as


1476 - Site in the ribosome from which the tRNA donates amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain is

P site

1477 - Sleeping sickness is caused by_______________?

Reduvid bug

1478 - Slide agglutination reaction is/are useful for the identification of the culture(s) of

All of these

1479 - Slime molds differ from the moldy fungi

in their mode of nutrition: phagocytosis for the slime molds; absorptive heterotroph for moldy fungi

1480 - Slimy or ropy kraut is caused by

encapsulated varieties of Lactobacillus plantarum

1481 - Slippery pickles occur due to

both (a) and (b)

1482 - Smith noguchi's media is used for_______________?


1483 - Soap, Hand sanitizer and detergent are actualy_________ agents.


1484 - Soft pickles are made so by pectolytic enzymes mostly from


1485 - Solutions of sodium hypochlorite of a 1% concentration are used for ________

personal hygiene and a household disinfectant

1486 - Solvents and enzymes are found in which of the following categories of microbial products?

Commercially valuable chemicals

1487 - Some amount of air is also essential inside the chamber of the autoclave.


1488 - Some cyanobacteria produce potent neurotoxins that, if ingested, will kill humans. These cyanobacteria are most likely to contaminate

water rich in phosphate wastes but poor in organic carbon

1489 - Some microorganisms have the ability to increase the nitrogen content of soils, are called as

nitrogen fixation

1490 - Some organisms can use reduced inorganic compounds as electron donors and are termed as


1491 - Southren Blotting test is used _____

For identification of pathogen

1492 - Species of __________ are predominant on thawing vegetables like sweet corn and peas when the temperature of thawing is fairly low.


1493 - Species of Shigella which is predominant in India is

S flexneri

1494 - Species of the genus Streptomyces are known for

the production of antibiotics

1495 - Specific ,highly resistant, dormant structure that protect bacteria from adverse conditions is recognised as?


1496 - Spirillum is not classified as a spirochete because spirochetes ------

Posses axial filament

1497 - Spirochaetes exhibit

all of the above

1498 - Spirochetes like other bacteria swim best in media of low viscosity.


1499 - Spoilage of bread is caused by which of the following microorganism(s)?


1500 - Spores are disinfected by_______________?

Both A & C

1501 - Spores formed by sexual reproduction on a club-shaped structure are _______________


1502 - Sporozoites of plasmodium falciparum are shaped_______________?


1503 - Sporulation occurs in__________________?

Stationary phase

1504 - Standard free energy change (ΔG) can be expressed as

ΔG° = -RTlnkeq

1505 - Stanley's most notable contribution to microbiology is:

Discovery of crystallized viruses

1506 - Staphylococcal food poisoning includes the following features_______________?

Common with dairy products

1507 - Staphylococcal food poisoning usually manifests itself following ingestion of contaminated food after

2-6 hours

1508 - Staphylococcal intoxication is caused by the toxin m the food from

Staphylococcus aureus

1509 - Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (SSS syndrome) is due to______________?

Enterotoxin F

1510 - Staphylococci typically occur in_________________?

Irregular clusters

1511 - Staphylococcus does not causes_______________?

Scarlet fever

1512 - Starch is an energy storage material characteristic of


1513 - Starvation proteins are produced by a culture during which of the following segments of the growth curve?

Stationary phase

1514 - Steam exposure of a material at 100°C for 20 minutes for three consecutive days is known as


1515 - Steam under pressure in used in ________ sterilization?


1516 - Stem and loop structures are

structures in DNA caused by inverted repeats

1517 - Stem and rots caused by species of molds involve

stem ends of fruits

1518 - Stepticoccus pyogenes can be grown in which of the following media?

Blood agar

1519 - Sterilisation control for moist heat is “or” The efficacy of the moist heat sterilization technique commonly used to sterlilize laboratory ware and culture media is tested by using_______________?

using Bacillus stearo thermo philus

1520 - Sterilisation is______________?

All pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms killed

1521 - Sterilization is a process in which_________________?

Deactivate all spores and dill pathogenic organism

1522 - Sterilization occurs at high temperatures for long periods of time.


1523 - Sterilization of liquid paraffin is done by______________?

Hot air oven

1524 - Stickland reaction is the alternative name for ________

Amino acid fermentation

1525 - Stormy clot reaction is useful in identification of

C perfringens

1526 - Streptococcus are catalase-positive.


1527 - Streptococcus is classified based on__________________?

Cell wall carbohydrate

1528 - Streptococcus pyogenes can be differentiated from other haemolytic Streptococci on the basis of

Bacitracin sensitivity

1529 - Streptococus pyogenes comprises which Lancefield group?


1530 - Streptolysin O is

all of these

1531 - Streptomyces orientalis produces which of the following antibiotics?


1532 - Streptomyces sp. show the budding mode of reproduction.


1533 - Streptomycin is produced by which of the following organisms?

Streptomyces griseus

1534 - Stringent anaerobes can be grown in a media by taking special measure as

any of these

1535 - Structurally all penicillins have only beta-lactam present in them.


1536 - Stuart's transport medium is used for transport of specimen containing

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

1537 - Studies of similarities and differences among the genomes of multiple organisms is carried out in

comparative genomics

1538 - Subacute bacterial endocarditis is caused by_____________?

Streptococcus viridans

1539 - Sulfanilamide was synthesized by which of the following research scientists?


1540 - Sulfonamides and arsphenamine are similar in their specificity for a special group of organism.


1541 - Sulfur stinker spoilage, caused by is uncommonly found in

low acid foods

1542 - Sulphates are reduced to hydrogen sulphide by _____________________

Desulfotomaculum sp.

1543 - Sunlight acts as sterilizing agent because_________________?

short wave lenght

1544 - Supercoiling refers to the extra turns in the structure of ds DNA due to the action of

DNA gyrase

1545 - Suppose a eukaryotic cell had a mutation that prevented the production of cytochrome c. As a result of this mutation, which of the following processes would not occur?

Cellular respiration

1546 - Surface appandage of bacteria that help in DNA transfer from cell to cellPilli


1547 - Surface area/volume ratio of bacteria is exceedingly low compared to the same ratio for larger organisms of similar shape.


1548 - Surface taint in butter which is blamed on Pseudomonas putrefaciens is also called as

both (a) and (b)

1549 - Surface texture of strains are related to virulence.


1550 - Surgery wound are caused by________


1551 - Suspected colonies of Staphylococcus aureus when grown on Baird-Parker medium shall show

coagulase activity

1552 - Suspension cultures consist of cells and cell aggregates, growing dispersed in

liquid medium

1553 - SV 40 causes diseases in which animals?


1554 - Sweet and salty foods frequently don't require refrigeration to prevent spoilage because they have

high concentration of solutes

1555 - Swelling of the can is caused primarily by

gas forming, anaerobic spore formers

1556 - Swimming towards a chemical of bacteria is termed as

positive chemotaxis

1557 - Swiss cheese can be derived from:

Lactic acid

1558 - Sylvatic plague occurs in

all of these

1559 - Synthesis of antibodies in plasma cells occurs in_________________?

Endoplasmic reticulum

1560 - Syntrophism involves

exchange of nutrients between two species

1561 - Syphilis is caused by which of the following organism?

Treponema pallidum

1562 - T cell matures in______________?


1563 - T cell receptors (or TCR) on CD4+ T cells

recognize peptides associated with MHC class II molecules

1564 - T cells multiplication is stimulated by_______________?


1565 - Taxol is drug of choicw for cancer therapy ,which of the following fungus responsible for its production?


1566 - TCA cycle functions in

amphibolic reactions

1567 - Techoic acid is present in_____________?

Cell wall of Gram positive organisms

1568 - Teichoic acid is present in cell walls of_________________?

Gram positive bacteria

1569 - Teichoic acid present in Gram-positive bacteria can bind to which ion?

Mg ions

1570 - Teichoic acids are typically found in

cell walls of gram positive bacteria

1571 - Test for differentiating virulent form non-virulent tubercular bacilli_____________?

Neutral red test

1572 - T-even phage binding to E. coli probably involves

electrostatic interaction

1573 - Thayer-Martin medium is used for isolation of organism for which disease?


1574 - The enzyme responsible for turning on process of transcription in DNA of bacteria is known as______


1575 - The ""A"" subunit of diphtheria toxin

cause ADP ribosylation of a factor involved in protein synthesis

1576 - The __________ is the vegetative body of algae.


1577 - The __________ of the influenza-enveloped virus appear to be involved in attachment to the host cell receptor site.


1578 - The 95% ethanol is equivalent to

190 proof

1579 - The ability of a competitive inhibitor to bind to an active site in an allosterically controlled enzyme is __________ than the ability of a non-competitive inhibitor to bind to an active site in the same allosterically controlled enzyme.


1580 - The ability of B. coagulans to grow in tomato juice depends upon the

all of these

1581 - The ability of CTP to bind to aspartate carbamoyltransferase and shut down the synthesis of more CTP is an example of

feedback inhibition of enzyme activity

1582 - The ability of FADH to be oxidized is __________ than the ability of FAD to be oxidized.


1583 - The ability of Vibrio fischeri to convert chemical energy directly into radiant energy in bioluminescence is an example of __________ at work.

the first law of thermodynamics

1584 - The ability of Vibrio fischeri to produce bioluminescence chemicals only when a certain population density has been reached is an example of

quorum sensing

1585 - The acetate-utilizing methanogens are responsible for

70% of methane produced in a biogas reactor

1586 - The acidity may be described as ""aromatic"" when

Lactic streptococci and aroma forming Leuconostoc species are growing together

1587 - The acquisition energy by glucose fermentation requires

substrate-level phosphorylation

1588 - The Acrasiomycota differ from the Myxomycota

in their cellular organization

1589 - The activation of amino acids requires energy.


1590 - The active form of enzyme is


1591 - The aerated submerged bacterial fermentation to produce vitamin B12 employs strains of

both (a) and (b)

1592 - The affinity of an enzyme for its substrate, when the enzyme has a Km of 0.50 M will be __________ than the affinity of an enzyme for its substrate when the enzyme has a Km of 0.05 M.


1593 - The agent representing an isolate of hepatitis G virus is


1594 - The agent responsible for causing mad cow disease is thought to be a


1595 - The agent(s) which can cause plague is/are

Yersinia pestis

1596 - The algae Chlamydomonas demonstrates a complex life cycle that switches between haploid and diploid forms. This life cycle is called

an alternation of generations

1597 - The American Type Culture Collection, located in Rockville, Maryland in the year 1980 has a collection of bacterial strain in what numbers?


1598 - The amino acids for protein synthesis is activated by the enzyme ______________

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

1599 - The amount of ATP produced by a cell from glucose when metabolizing it by fermentation means is

lesser than by aerobic metabolism

1600 - The amount of ATP that can be obtained by complete oxidation of a glucose by a bacterium is

greater than by a yeast cell


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