Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 5

1601 - The amount of chitin in the cell walls of the Plasmodium

is equal to the water mold mycelium

1602 - The amount of energy (cal/mole) in an ATP molecule produced by a cell from glucose by fermentation is

exactly or approximately equal to aerobic metabolism

1603 - The amount of organic material in the forest soil remains approximately the same from year to year.


1604 - The amount of oxygen dissolved in hypolimnion water in the winter is __________ to/than the amount of oxygen dissolved in hypolimnion water in the summer


1605 - The amount of peptidoglycan in the cell walls of a mushroom

is lesser than the amount of chitin in the cell walls of a mushroom

1606 - The amount of phagocytosis done by the Plasmodium

is greater than by the water mold mycelium

1607 - The anaphylaxis should be treated first with_____________?


1608 - The antibiotic griseofulvin is active against deep mycoses.


1609 - The antibiotic penicillin was discovered by which of the following researchers?

Alexander Flemming

1610 - The antibiotics not clinically useful for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is


1611 - The antibiotics not having good activity against Enterobacteriaceae is


1612 - The antibiotics which affords a broad spectrum of antimicrobial coverage against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, rickettsiae, chlamydiae, and mycoplasmas is


1613 - The antigen used in Weil Felix test is obtained from________________?


1614 - The antimicrobial activity of phenolics is not reduced at which of the following conditions?

presence of soap

1615 - The application of Gamma rays destroys botulism toxin. The dose of gamma rays required for this purpose is

7.3 Mrad

1616 - The Archaea include all of the following except


1617 - The archaebacterium Halobacterium, an extreme halophile, and Sulfolobus, a thermoacidophile, can be cultured in the presence of antibiotics such as streptomycin and chloramphenicol because

they lack murein in their cell wall

1618 - The arrangement, in which flagella are distributed all round the bacterial cell, is known as


1619 - The association which involves the exchange of nutrients between two species is referred to as ______________


1620 - The average size of cells during the exponential phase of growth is

lesser than the lag phase

1621 - The average size of the cells in the exponential phase is ___________

smaller than the initial size

1622 - The B region of diphtheria toxin has the enzymatic activity.


1623 - The Bacillus cereus causes gasteroenteritis by the production of an exoenterotoxin which is released in food as a result of

cell autolysis

1624 - The bacteria deficient in cell wall is


1625 - The bacteria involved in the production of dental caries is/are

Both (a) and (b)

1626 - The bacteria most often involved in the spoilage of fish are

part of the natural flora of the external slime of fishes and their intestinal contents

1627 - The bacteria Nitrosomonas convert ________into ________

Nitrates to nitrites

1628 - The bacteria that are not able to use oxygen to energy yielding process commnly known as

Obligate anaerobes

1629 - The bacteria that griw above 80 degree Celsius temperature are known as_______

Both B and C

1630 - The bacteria that is negative for fermentation of mannitol is

S dysenteriae

1631 - The bacteria which are inhibited on crystal violet (1:500,000) blood agar, is/are


1632 - The bacteria which can ferment mannitol anaerobically is

Staphylococcus aureus

1633 - The bacteria which cause(s) tuberculosis in man is/are

All of these

1634 - The bacteria which is microaerophilic on primary isolation, is

M bovis

1635 - The bacteria which is novobiocin resistant is

S saprophyticus

1636 - The bacteria which is predominant flora of the human gut is

Clostridium perfringens

1637 - The bacteria which produce(s) β-galactosidase is/are

all of these

1638 - The bacteria, used to examine the efficacy of autoclave, is

Bacillus stearothermophilus

1639 - The bacteria, which is more resistant to adverse environmental conditions, is

S sonnei

1640 - The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________?

It is a unique flexible plastic structure

1641 - The bacterial sore throat is caused by

Streptococcus pyogenes

1642 - The bacteriochlorophylls used by the anoxygenic bacteria have absorbance maxima located in the_____portion(s) of the spectrum.


1643 - The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is which type of bacteria?


1644 - The basidiomycetes include plant parasites that can cause

rust and smut diseases

1645 - The best method of sterilization of dressing powder is_____________?

Hot air oven

1646 - The best skin disinfectant is________________?


1647 - The best sterilization method for a hand-piece is________________?

Ethylene oxide gas

1648 - The best way of detecting the presence of viruses in the infected cell – culture is____________?

Cytopathic changes in culture cells

1649 - The binding site for complement on the IgG molecule is in the________________?

CH2 domian

1650 - The binomial name of a microbe is composed of

its genus name and a species modifier

1651 - The biogas production process takes place at the temperature

all of these

1652 - The biological activity of an aquatic ecosystem is dependent upon which of the following factors?

rate of primary production

1653 - The biosynthesis of proline takes place from ____________

glutamic acid

1654 - The biotin level in obtaining L-gluatmic acid by fermentation using Micrococcus glutamicus is critical because

both (a) and (b)

1655 - The body of multicellular alga is called ______


1656 - The botulism intoxication occurs due to


1657 - The bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to which of the following fungal divisions?


1658 - The breakdown of cattle manure in biogas is accomplished by which of the following type of bacteria?

All of these

1659 - The butyric acid type of fermentation in acid or medium acid foods, with swelling of the container by the carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas is caused by

both (a) and (b)

1660 - The Candida species require fermentation equipment lined with plastic because they are extremely sensitive to

traces of iron

1661 - The canned acid foods such as pineapple, tomatoes and pears have been found spoiled by C. pasteurianum. Such spoilage is more likely when the pH of the food is


1662 - The capsomeres consist of a number of proteins subunits or molecules called


1663 - The capsule of Klebsiella pneumoniae is composed of heteropolysaccharides.


1664 - The catabolic reaction, pentose-phosphate exists in

prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both

1665 - The causative agent of Buruli ulcer is

M ulcerarts

1666 - The causative agent of leprosy is __________


1667 - The causative organism for cat-scratch disease is______________?

Bartonella henselae

1668 - The causative organism of syphilis is___________?

Treponema pallidum

1669 - The cell diameter of bacteria belonging to family Enterobacteriaceae is ____________

.3-1.5 micrometre

1670 - The cell in which the F factor carries along with it some chromosomal genes are known as ____________

F̢۪ cell

1671 - The cell lines which can support the growth of polioviruses is/are

All of these

1672 - The cell mass can be measured optically by determining the amount of light scattered by a suspension of cells. The measurements are usually at a wavelength of


1673 - The cell reproduction in bacteria may occur by

all of these

1674 - The cell wall deficient bacteria_______________?


1675 - The cell wall of

gram-positive bacteria are thicker than gram-negative bacteria

1676 - The cell wall of Archaea lack peptidoglycan but have_____


1677 - The cell wall of phaeophyta is made up of ____

Both A and B

1678 - The cell walls of Corynebacterium contain mycolic acid containing ______________ carbon atoms.

32 to 36

1679 - The cell walls of Gram positive bacteria contain two modified sugar, viz. N- acetylgucosamine (NAG) and N- acetylmuramic acid (NAM). They are covalently linked by

β- 1,4-glycosidic bond

1680 - The cell walls of many gram positive bacteria can be easily destroyed by the enzyme known as


1681 - The cells in which nuclear material is not sourrounded by nuclear envelop is known as?


1682 - The cells most oftenly infected by HIV are

CD4 + T lymphocytes

1683 - The characteristic color of the Red Sea is associated with heavy blooms of __________________


1684 - The characteristic lesion, abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus is a type of non-localized infection.


1685 - The chemotactic factor is______________?


1686 - The Chesapeake Bay, one of the world̢۪s major estuarine system serves as the receiving basin for how many rivers?


1687 - The chief spoilage organisms on smoked fish are


1688 - The chief type of spoilage in sweetened condensed milk may be

all of the above

1689 - The chlorophyll molecules used by eucaryotes and cyanobacteria absorb radiant energy in the____________portion(s) of the visible spectrum.

red and blue

1690 - The chromosomal genes, possessing fertility factor is known as

F prime factor

1691 - The chromosome of a typical bacterium is ________________

circular double-stranded DNA

1692 - The chromosome of almost all bacteria is in the shape of

a closed circle

1693 - The class of immunoglobulin, most abundant in body is


1694 - The class of immunoglobulins which can cross the placenta is


1695 - The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is_____________?

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

1696 - The cloning step in PCR/sequencing analysis of microbial communities is necessary for

separating the different rRNA gene sequences in the mixture

1697 - The coastal adjunct of the marine ecosystem is __________________


1698 - The cocci belonging to the family Dienococcaceae occur mainly in _______________


1699 - The cocci which forms a bunch and irregular pattern are


1700 - The cocci which forms a chain is


1701 - The coliform group of bacteria includes all the __________________ bacilli.

aerobic, gram-negative, non-sporulating

1702 - The colonies of Mycoplasmas in agar plate can be observed by means of a _______________

low-power microscope

1703 - The coloration of the milk is caused by which of the following organism?

Pseudomonas sp.

1704 - The colour of Cholorophyta is _____


1705 - The combination of low levels of NaCl, NaNO3 (sodium nitrate), and slightly acid pH can prevent multiplication and toxin formation of

all of these

1706 - The common word for bacteria which are helically curved rods is


1707 - The common word for bacteria which are spherical in shape is


1708 - The common word for bacteria which are straight rod in shape is


1709 - The common yeast Schizosaccharomyces follows which of the following asexual reproduction methods?

binary fission

1710 - The commonest bacterial cause of cervicofacial actinomycosis is

A. israelii

1711 - The commonest bacterial infection in HIV disease is/are

mycobacterial infection

1712 - The commonest method of detection of diptheria carriers is_______________?

Schick test

1713 - The commonest mode of transmission of HIV is


1714 - The commonest opportunistic infection in AIDS patient in India is


1715 - The commonest species of Bacteroides in fragilis group, which causes human infection, is

B fragilis

1716 - The commonly used fluorescent dye in the detection of tubercie bacilli________________?

Auramine and Rhodamine

1717 - The commonly used media for submerged bacterial fermentation at commercial scale is

beet molasses

1718 - The component that sensitizes bacteria and virus to UV irradiation_______________?

Nucleic acids

1719 - The components found in all prokaryotic transcription terminators is

a hairpin structure

1720 - The compound(s) which act(s) as metabolic antagonist is/are

both (a) and (b)

1721 - The concentration of agar to obtain semi solid media is

0.5% or less

1722 - The concept of putting microbes to help clean up the environment is called


1723 - The confirmatory test(s) for HIV infection is/are

all of the above

1724 - The conversion of molecular nitrogen into ammonia is known as

nitrogen fixation

1725 - The cooci which mostly occur in single or pairs are


1726 - The correct order of taxonomic groups from higher to lower rank is?


1727 - The correct term for the transfer of genetic material between bacteria in direct physical contact is


1728 - The crops which are involved in nitrogen fixation are

all of these

1729 - The crosswalls constrict which of the following parts and then grow inwards to form septum?


1730 - The crushed grapes used for wine manufacturing are also known as


1731 - The crystalline sodium or potassium salts are slightly soluble in ___________


1732 - The culture media for fungus is__________________?

Sabourauds medium

1733 - The culture media used for cultivation of HSV is_____________?

Chorio allantoic membrane

1734 - The current genus name of a saccharolytic group of Bacteroides is


1735 - The Dane particle is the______________?


1736 - The dark reaction in photosynthesis is governed by __________

CO2, temperature, and light

1737 - The death of a river by environmental pollutants ultimately results from

the depletion of oxygen

1738 - The defective satellite virus is

hepatitis D

1739 - The degradation of complex molecules in soil by fungi for utilization by bacteria is an example of which type of association?


1740 - The degree of salinity in freshwater is nearly zero.


1741 - The deinococci are gram-positive cocci and rods that are distinctive in their unusually great resistance to

both (a) and (b)

1742 - The delayed early genes codes for which of the following enzymes?

phage enzymes

1743 - The development of global regulatory systems in prokaryotes

regulates many genes under varying environmental conditions

1744 - The development of hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with

all of the above

1745 - The diagnosis of gonorrhea is established by_____________?

All of the above tests

1746 - The diagnosis of hepatitis A virus infection is carried out from the method based on

detection of IgM anti-HAV by ELISA

1747 - The diagnostic enzyme for denitrification is

nitrate reductase

1748 - The diagnostic enzyme for nitrogen-fixing organisms is


1749 - The diagnostic investigation for syphilis is__________________?

Both B & C

1750 - The difference between gram positive and negative bacteria lies in their_______________?

cell wall

1751 - The difference between sterilization and disinfection is that_______________?

Sterilization kills all spores but disinfection does not

1752 - The different ACC's between food categories reflect the

all of the above

1753 - The disease espundia is caused by which of the following protozoa?

Leishmania brasiliensis

1754 - The disease(s) caused by genus Orthopoxvirus is/are

All of these

1755 - The distinguishing characteristic of a positive delayed type hypersensitivity skin test is______________?


1756 - The DNA coding for the production of cholera toxin in Vibrio cholerae is on the


1757 - The DNA molecule of microorganisms is made up of base pairs of ________________

guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine

1758 - The DNA of Klebsiella pneumonia has a moles % G+C content of?


1759 - The DNA of phage lambda is circular both in the virion and in the host cell.


1760 - The DNA probe, 3'-GGCTTA ,will hybridized with which of the following ?


1761 - The DNA sequences of rRNA genes can be used to

obtain a tentative identification of a new microorganism

1762 - The DNA that actually codes for a protein's primary structure in eukaryotes is

portions of the gene called exons

1763 - The DNA uptake process does not require any energy.


1764 - The dominant mineral particles in most soils are compounds of _____________


1765 - The dye eosinate of methylene blue belongs to which group?

Neutral dye

1766 - The dye erthrolitmin used on litmus paper extracted from ?


1767 - The earliest identifiable cells of T-Cell lineage during maturation are_______________?

CD7+ Pro-T-Cells

1768 - The early assay employed for measuring penicillin activity were based upon the quantity required to prevent growth of S. aureus over

24 mm diameter zone using the cylinder plate method of assay

1769 - The effectiveness of heat in killing microorganisms is much greater in _____________


1770 - The efficiency of amplification in PCR in later cycles is reduced due to

all of these

1771 - The elimination of the scum of yeasts in the brine during the fermentation include

all of these

1772 - The endoflagella is present in which class of bacteria?


1773 - The endosymbiosis hypothesis provides an explanation for how

eukaryotes developed from prokayotes

1774 - The energy value of biogas is typically

400-700 BTU/ft3

1775 - The entry of glycerol into the bacterial cells is by ____________

facilitated diffusion

1776 - The envelope of which of the following viruses is derived from the host cell nucleus?


1777 - The envelope surrounding the nucleocapsid of some animal viruses is made up of which of the following structures?


1778 - The enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of DNA is called

DNA polymerase

1779 - The enzyme which converts optically active isomers of lactic acid to the optically inactive racemic mixture is


1780 - The enzyme, which hydrolyses the murein is


1781 - The enzymes for glycolysis are located

in the cytoplasm

1782 - The enzymes present in glyoxylate cycle are which type of enzymes?

anaplerotic enzymes

1783 - The enzymes that catalyze the reactions of the Krebs cycle are found in which subcellular organelle of eukaryotes?


1784 - The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can induce tumors in _____________


1785 - The equation used to obtain bacterial population by binary fission is

All of these

1786 - The evolutionary record suggests that the first occurrence of multicellularity was in the kingdom


1787 - The exact part of the antigen that reacts with the immune system is called as_____________?


1788 - The expression of gene X (which has promoter Px) is to be monitored. A gene fusion construction for carrying this work will

have Px but not the rest of the X coding region

1789 - The F factor DNA is sufficient to specify how many genes?


1790 - The fact that β-oxidation of fatty acids, occurs in the mitochondria whereas fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytoplasmic matrix, is an example of regulation of enzymatic activity by the __________ mechanism.


1791 - The facultative anaerobic bacteria are those who are_______________?

Able to grow in the presence of absence of oxygen

1792 - The family Leptospiraceae are aerobes.


1793 - The family Micrococcaceae do not exhibit any unusual resistance to gamma and ultraviolet radiation.


1794 - The family of Rhabdoviridae possesses dsRNA.


1795 - The family Vibrionaceae is _________________


1796 - The famous Japanese dish sushi is made with the help of the red algae named ____________


1797 - The fatality rate for variola minor is ____________


1798 - The favouring conditions for floaters is

both (a) and (b)

1799 - The feature ' stalk ' present in which of the following bacteria?

Both A and B

1800 - The fermentation of wine can be carried out using the strains of

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

1801 - The filamentous bacteriopohage infect male E. coli cells by attaching to

the tip of the pilus

1802 - The filtering medium of trickling filters is coated with microbial flora, known as

zooglocal film

1803 - The final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain is


1804 - The final product of Calvin cycle is _________


1805 - The final step of gene expression is protein synthesis, which is also known as


1806 - The first demonstration of recombination in bacteria was achieved by _______________

Lederberg and Tatum

1807 - The first organism in most natural food chains is

a herbivore

1808 - The first penicillin isolated by Alexander Fleming, penicillin F is also called

2-Pentenyl Penicillin

1809 - The first scientist that represents protein structure known as:


1810 - The first step in infection of a host bacterial cells by a phage is


1811 - The five-kingdom system of classification was set up by

Robert Whittaker

1812 - The flow of genetic material in microbial cells usually takes place from

DNA through RNA to proteins

1813 - The following are applicable to bacterial genoms except________________?

Its DNA has both introns and extrons

1814 - The following code codes for which of the amino acid respectively?AUG and GUG

Methionine, valine

1815 - The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route________________?

Hepatitis E virus

1816 - The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement_________________?


1817 - The following is not true of Candida albicans______________?

Blastomeres seen in isolates

1818 - The following statement is true regarding fungal infection__________________?

Candida infection is usually endogenous

1819 - The foundation for the germ theory of disease was set down by

Louis Pasteur

1820 - The fragmentation occurs in

Nocardia species

1821 - The fringes on animal viruses like influenza virus is made up of ______________


1822 - The fruiting body of a mushroom is called


1823 - The function of IgD is______________?

Antigen recognition by B cells

1824 - The function of ribosomes within the cell is

to synthesize proteins

1825 - The fungi that can damage skin, nails and hairs are known as


1826 - The fungus responsible for ergotism belongs to which of the following fungal divisions?


1827 - The GasPak system is suitable for which of the following?

Anaerobic bacteria

1828 - The general pressure at which the autoclave is operated is ___________

15 Psi

1829 - The generation time for E.coli is ________

20 minutes

1830 - The generation time of a culture that produces two generations per hour is

greater than that produces three generations per hour

1831 - The genetic ability of a bacterium to grow in the presence of several antibiotics is passed in vivo from one bacterium to another by_____________?


1832 - The genetically engineered tomatoes remained firm because____

Cellulose of cell wall become more rigid

1833 - The genus Desulfotomaculum obtain energy by anaerobic respiration.


1834 - The genus Nocardia resemble which of the following Genus?


1835 - The genus/genera that belongs to the family Micrococcaceae is

All of these

1836 - The glyoxylate cycle is used by some microorganisms when___________ is the sole carbon source.


1837 - The gram negative rod Bordetella causes which of the following diseases?


1838 - The gram-negative organisms is

None of these

1839 - The gram-positive bacteria lack __________ structure/component?

outer membrane

1840 - The greatest resolution in light microscopy can be obtained with ___________

Shortest wavelength of visible light used and an objective with the maximum numerical aperture

1841 - The greening of sausage may appear as a green ring not far from the casing, a green core, or a green surface. The cause of greening is the production of hydrogen peroxide by

both (a) and (b)

1842 - The groups of bacteria which have the ability to fix nitrogen from air to soil are

both (a) and (b)

1843 - The groups of symbiotic bacteria, which have the ability to fix nitrogen

all of the above

1844 - The growth is normally expressed as __________ in turbidimetric measurement

optical density

1845 - The growth of bacterial population follows a geometric progression.


1846 - The growth of black-pigmented Bacillus nigrificans, a causative agent of black pickle is favoured by

all of the above

1847 - The growth of Streptomyces on straw or elsewhere near the egg may produce

musty or earthy flavors

1848 - The halophilic bacteria is/are

All of these

1849 - The hepadnaviruses such as hepatitis B virus are quite different from other DNA viruses with respect to genome replication. These replicate their DNA using

reverse transcriptase

1850 - The Hfr chromosome is transferred to the F— cell in a _____________ fashion.


1851 - The HIV virus can be destroyed invitro by which of the following_____________?

All of the above

1852 - The hyphae of mold are

all of these

1853 - The idea of selective toxicity was first proposed by

Paul Ehrlich

1854 - The Ig found in exocrine secretions is_____________?


1855 - The immediate source of the flat sour bacteria is usually the

plant equipment

1856 - The immediate type of hypersensitivity in which histamine doses not play a major role is______________?

Arthus reaction

1857 - The inactive organic molecular portion of enzyme is


1858 - The inactive protein from of enzyme is


1859 - The individual best remembered for bringing microbes to the world is

Antony Van Leeuenhoek

1860 - The inflammatory type of tinea capitis with superadded secondary bacterial infection leading to a painful, circumscribed, boggy, and indurated lesion, is called_____________?


1861 - The influenza vaccine is administered each year because

mutations in the viral hemagglutinin may allow the virus to evade the immune response elicited by previous vaccines

1862 - The interaction between the mRNA and tRNA determined the position of amino acid in a polypeptide sequence. This is called the

adaptor hypothesis

1863 - The interaction of antigens with antibodies on the surface of a mast cel leads to degranulation and anaphylaxis. The mast cell granules produce anaphylaxis because they contain________________?

Vasoactive mediators

1864 - The international unit of penicillin is defined by how much amount of International Standard?

0.5988 µg

1865 - The iodineused in gram staining serve as :


1866 - The isolation of gonorrhea-causing organism, Neisseria gonorrhoeae by the use of certain antibiotics in media is an example of which of the following?

Selective media

1867 - The isolation of the gonorrhoea - causing organisms, Neisseria gonorrhoeae,from a clinical specimen is facilitated by the use of media containing

certain antibiotics

1868 - The karyotype of cells formed from continuous cell lines is _______________


1869 - The kelps are algae found in


1870 - The key cell types involved in the acquired immunity include all EXCEPT________________?


1871 - The killer cells are associated with immunologic response___________________?

Type II

1872 - The L Ring in Gram-Negative bacterium flagella is associated with _________

Outer Membrane

1873 - The Lambda Bacteriophage carries out which of the following replication methods?

Sigma mode

1874 - The larger the __________ , the better the chemotherapeutic agent.

therapeutic index

1875 - The last step in synthesis of peptidoglycan is

attaching two amino acids to form a cross-link

1876 - The LD50 dose can be determined more precisely than LD100 dose.


1877 - The leavening or rising of dough is due to which of the following gases?

carbon dioxide

1878 - The location of first hexameric sequence typically found in pro-karyotic promoters is

approximately 35 bases upstream of the transcription start site

1879 - The location where bacterial DNA reside called


1880 - The location where the bacterial chromosome concentrates is called


1881 - The lowest temperature that kills all microorganisms in a liquid suspension in 10 minutes is known as the

thermal death point

1882 - The lysogenic state is governed by the activity of the regulatory region of the lambda phage genomes; this region is termed as

immunity operon

1883 - The magnitude of BOD of wastewater is related to

amount of organic material

1884 - The main difference between a self-transmissible and a mobilizable plasmid is that the self-transmissible plasmid

carries genes encoding the mating apparatus

1885 - The major antiseptic value of soap lies in its ability to_____________?

Remove microbes

1886 - The major intestinal pathogens which are non-lactose fermenters are_________________?


1887 - The major organism used in the microbial production of citric acid is

Aspergillus niger

1888 - The major route for incorporation of ammonia (NH4+) into organic compounds is via

reduction of pyruvate or alpha-ketoglutarate by enzymes

1889 - The manufacture of baker's yeast involve

S. cerevisiae

1890 - The Manufacturing unit of surgical needle & sutures are sterilized by ________________?


1891 - The mass of Protoplasm with many nuclei called


1892 - The mature zygospore lies dormant for how many days?

1-3 months

1893 - The maximum concentration of ethanol that is achieved by successive distillation of fermentation broth in continuous stills is


1894 - The mechanism by which most fungi caused disease is ________________?


1895 - The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?


1896 - The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?


1897 - The mechanism of passive or facilitated diffusion require

metabolic energy

1898 - The mechanism that inhibit gene expression and decrease synthesis of enzyme known, What?


1899 - The media which serve(s) as enrichment media for Salmonella is/are

All of these

1900 - The medium for production of Baker̢۪s yeast contains only molasses and inoculum.


1901 - The medium of choice for culturing yeast from of dimorphic fungi is_________________?

Sabouraud's plus antibiotics

1902 - The medium of choice for growing most fungi is_______________?

Sabouraud's agar

1903 - The medium which allows the growth of more than one microorganisms of interest but with morphologically distinguishable colonies is known as

differential medium

1904 - The membranes of which domains are chemically the most similar?

Bacteria and Eukarya

1905 - The method of successful treatment of botulism prior to appearance of botulism symptoms involve administration of


1906 - The microbes which are most likely to be completely dependent on a plant or animal host are


1907 - The microbial ecosystem of soil includes

biotic and abiotic components of soil

1908 - The microbiological examination of coliform bacteria in foods preferably use

all of these

1909 - The micronucleus in protozoa is concerned with reproductive activity.


1910 - The micro-organism which is present in both fresh and frozen juices is

Entereobacter aerogenes

1911 - The micro-organisms causing wine spoilage are

all of these

1912 - The microorganisms from lakes and rivers can grow at a salt concentration of _________

below 1 percent

1913 - The microorganisms stick to which of the following regions of the respiratory tract?


1914 - The microorganisms that grow best in a low-oxygen environment is called a (n)


1915 - The milk streptococci produce acetoin that gets spontaneously oxidized yielding a flavorings agent (responsible for aroma of butter) that is


1916 - The minimum time required for the sterilization of surgical instruments by moist heat at 134°C is__________________?

3 minutes

1917 - The mode of action of polymyxin is to

injury to the plasma membrane

1918 - The mode of transmission of hepatitis E is through

faecally contaminated drinking water

1919 - The moisture contained in clouds and precipitated as snow,hail,rain etc constitutes _________________

Atmospheric water

1920 - The more oxidizable organic material, the lesser the BOD.


1921 - The most advance level of protein structure is

Quaternary structure

1922 - The most common cause of cystitis (after Escherichia coli) in healthy sexually active women is

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

1923 - The most common cause of urinary tract infection in the community is

Escherichia coli

1924 - The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonias in the ICU are______________?

Gram negative organisms

1925 - The most common site where organisms are present in a typhoid carrier is______________?

Gall Bladder

1926 - The most commonly used medium for the build up of cultures and the production of baker's yeast consist of

molasses, minerals and salts

1927 - The most complex type of bacterial virus has which of the following morphological features?

hexagonal head, rigid tail with contractile sheath

1928 - The most frequently encountered clostridial species in gas gangrene is______________?

Clostridium welchii

1929 - The most important bacterium developing acidity in both low and high salt brines is

L. plantarum

1930 - The most important kind of chemical spoilage of canned foods is the hydrogen swell which is favored by

all of these

1931 - The most important organism involved in manufacture of Koji is

both (a) and (b)

1932 - The most pathogenic Brucella spp for man is

B melitensis

1933 - The most popular genus that exists without a cell wall.


1934 - The most popular method for typing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is


1935 - The most popular project in history of biotechnology "Human Gene Project " launched in _____year


1936 - The most primitive mode of gene transfer occurs by____________?


1937 - The most selective antibiotics are those that interfere with the synthesis of

bacterial cell walls

1938 - The most serious infection is

superinfection of an HBsAg carrier by HDV

1939 - The most significant reason why fungi are not in the kingdom Plantae is that fungi

are chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs

1940 - The most toxic exotoxin is

botulinum toxin

1941 - The most usedfull method to count bacterial population is ______

Plate count

1942 - The mutation which will not affect the length of a protein is,

missense mutation

1943 - The mycoplasmas require which of the following substance for growth?


1944 - The National Collection of Type Cultures is situated in ____________


1945 - The nature of the poliovirus gives for oral vaccination (satin vaccine) as part of the eradication programme is

live attenuated strains of all three immunological types

1946 - The next to last step in peptidoglycan biosynthesis is

linking the sugar of the disaccharide-peptide unit to the growing peptidoglycan chain

1947 - The nitrofurans differ from the antibiotics in that they

do not occur naturally

1948 - The nitrogenase consists of

both (a) and (b)

1949 - The nonsense codon(s) is/are

all of these

1950 - The nonsymbiotic bacteria which fix nitrogen live in the soil independently are

all of the above

1951 - The nucleic acid core of phages is covered by a protein coat known as _______________


1952 - The nucleocapsid is covered by an outer membrane like structure called


1953 - The nucleoid can be made visible under the light microscope by _________

Feulgen staining

1954 - The number of ATP molecules generated in TCA cycle is _________


1955 - The number of ATP molecules produced from one glucose molecule by a bacterium producing lactic acid is

approximately equal to producing ethanol

1956 - The number of bacteria per ml depends on the dilution of the sample.


1957 - The number of flagella produced by motile cells in

members of the Phaeophyta is greater than members of the Rhodophyta

1958 - The number of members of the division Phaeophyta that live in freshwater habitats

is lesser than the number of members of the division Chlorophyta that live in freshwater habitats

1959 - The number of nuclei per cell in a dikaryotic cell

is greater than diploid cell

1960 - The number of sets of chromosomes in a dikaryotic cell

is equal to diploid cell

1961 - The numbers of nuclear divisions involved in a ciliate undergoing binary fission is

lesser than conjugation

1962 - The oldest eukaryotic organisms are considered to be


1963 - The oncogene theory refers to

how viruses transform normal cells into tumor cells

1964 - The only virus, which has double stranded RNA, is______________?

Reo virus

1965 - The optimal time and temperature required for sterilization in an autoclave is___________________?

121°C 15 mts. x 15 lbs pr.

1966 - The optimum pH for the growth of fungi is ____________


1967 - The optimum pH for the growth of most bacteria lies between _______


1968 - The organ of locomotion for Euglena is______


1969 - The organic acids produced by bacteria belonging to the family Bacteriadaceae is identified by?

gas chromatography

1970 - The organism B. brevis can be used commercially for the production of

all of the above

1971 - The organism causing whooping cough can grow on ordinary culture media.


1972 - The organism that starts out as amoeboid, phagocytic cells and converts to a sluglike pseudoplasmodium that migrates prior to development of a sorocarp belongs to which division?


1973 - The organism used for alcohol fermentation should have a high tolerance for alcohol.


1974 - The organism used to produce L-glutamic acid is

all of these

1975 - The organism which grows best above 45°C are called


1976 - The organism which obtain their energy from chemicals are designated as


1977 - The organism which utilizes the pentose of sulphite waste liquor for lactic acid production is

Lactobacillus pentosus

1978 - The organisms belonging to the genus Deinococcus forms colonies of which color?


1979 - The organisms responsible for the characteristic musty or earth odor of a freshly plowed field is/are

all of these

1980 - The organisms retained in the fluids filtered by Seitz filter is

None of these

1981 - The organisms that can be acid-fast stained is

all of these

1982 - The organisms which can use reduced inorganic compounds as electron donors are known as _________


1983 - The original enzyme(s) used in PCR reaction is/are known as

E. coli DNA polymerase

1984 - The other name for peptidoglycan is

both (a) & (b)

1985 - The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with______________?

Helper T lymphocytes

1986 - The pathogen Ehrlichia live in __________

White blood cells

1987 - The PCR/sequencing approach to rRNA is most likely to give information about

the species to which the bacteria are most closely related

1988 - The penetration of animal viruses into attached cells occur by mechanisms consisting of engulfment of whole virions by the cells in a phagocytic process called


1989 - The penicillin resistant to β-lactamases is


1990 - The penicillin stable in gastric acid and suitable for oral administration is


1991 - The peptidoglycan layer of Staphylococcus aureus consists of a bridge between muramic acid peptides which is composed of?


1992 - The period between inoculation of bacteria in a culture medium and beginning of multiplication is known as

lag phase

1993 - The phenomenon of commensalism refers to a relationship between organisms in which

one species of a pair benefits

1994 - The phosphate inhibition in the clavine formation with Claviceps SD58, can be counteracted by the addition of


1995 - The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of eubacteria is mainly


1996 - The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of the archaeo-bacteria is

polyisoprenoid branched chain lipids

1997 - The physical nature of genomes is studied under

structural genomics

1998 - The physical structure of soil is improved by the accumulation of

mold mycelium

1999 - The plasmid which makes the host more pathogenic is

Virulence plasmid

2000 - The plasmid-mediated properties is/are

all of these


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