Microbiology Most Important MCQs For The Jobs Test As Well As Academic Examination Set: 6

2001 - The plasmids can be eliminated from a cell by the process known as


2002 - The population of algae in soil is __________ that of either bacteria or fungi.

generally smaller than

2003 - The portion of the growth curve where rapid growth of bacteria is observed is known as ____________

Logarithmic phase

2004 - The potability of water can be checked by sanitary surveys.


2005 - The potential spoilage organism in beer is

Saccharomyces diastaticus

2006 - The predominant immunoglobulin in saliva is_______________?


2007 - The predominant kind of bacteria causing spoilage in fish at chilling temperature is

species of Pseudomonas

2008 - The predominant lipid substance found in the viral envelope is


2009 - The predominant micro-organisms in frozen foods are

yeast and moulds

2010 - The presence of chain of carbon atoms in organic compound is called as

Carbon skeleton

2011 - The presence of viable non-spore forming bacteria in heat process canned foods indicates leakage of the container. Which of the following is responsible for the spoilage of leaky cans?

Cooling water

2012 - The presence of Which of the following factors in viruses makes protective vaccines a possibility ?

Protein coat

2013 - The primary producers in the marine system are ________________

cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae

2014 - The primary producers transform radiant energy into heat energy.


2015 - The primary stain of Gram's method is

crystal violet

2016 - The principal microorganism for yogurt is ______________________

Streptococcus thermophilus

2017 - The problem(s) associated with development of a vaccine against HIV is/are

all of these

2018 - The procapsid is assembled with the aid of __________ proteins.


2019 - The process by which phage reproduction is initiated in lysogenized culture is called


2020 - The process in which endospore can return to it's a vegetative structure is known as


2021 - The process in which genetic material transfer from one bacteria to another called as


2022 - The process in which protozoa attaches themselves to a host̢۪s body is known as __________________


2023 - The process in which RNA strand formed from DNA strand is known as ________


2024 - The Process of attenuation can be achieved by all except___________________?

Serial passage in an experimental host

2025 - The process of conjugation occur by help of _____


2026 - The process of endospore formation within a vegetative part known as

Both A and B

2027 - The process of fusion of nuceus of two mating types is known as plasmogamy.


2028 - The process of Gram staining is based on the ability of bacterial cell wall

to retain the crystal violet dye during solvent treatment.

2029 - The process of killing all microorganisms along with their spores is ____________________


2030 - The process of making an object free from living organisms including bacterial and fungal spores and viruses is known as


2031 - The process of synthesis of protein from RNA molecule is known as


2032 - The process of transduction between bacterial cell by the help of ________


2033 - The process that actually produce ATP known as


2034 - The production of acetic acid from ethanol is an

aerobic process

2035 - The production of sufficient acid by fermentation of glucose leads to decrease in pH such that pH of the medium falls below 4.5. Which of the following test can detect it?

Methyl red test

2036 - The promoter on an expression vector used to overproduce proteins in bacteria is

a bacterial promoter

2037 - The prosthetic group of a cytochrome contains how many iron atoms?


2038 - The protective effects breast milk are known to be associated with______________?

IgA antibodies

2039 - The protein coat of the virus remains outside the host cell.


2040 - The protein from which hook and filaments of flagella are composed of, is


2041 - The protein integrase is encoded by which of the following gene?

lambda gene

2042 - The protoplast can be used to

all of these

2043 - The prototype of Type II hypersensitivity reaction is__________________?

Auto immune hemolytic anemia

2044 - The putrifactive anaerobes grow best in the

low acid canned foods

2045 - The rapid process of microbial oxidation developed to produce acetic acid from ethanol at Schutzenbach, Germany is also known as

both (a) and (b)

2046 - The rate of flux of oxygen in air is __________ to/than the rate of flux of oxygen in water.


2047 - The reaction for the transfer of phosphoryl group of phosphoenol pyruvate to the sugar molecule requires which ion?


2048 - The reaction(s) that is/are usually positive in Escherichia coli, is/ are

All of these

2049 - The reaction, where small precursor molecules are assembled into larger organic molecules is referred as


2050 - The reactions of the cell that are carried out for capturing energy are called


2051 - The Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS) produced by some bacteria are degraded by which of the following enzymes?

Superoxide dismutase, Catalase and Peroxidase

2052 - The reaginic antibody is________________?


2053 - The recovery of vitamin from fermentation broth is carried out prior to


2054 - The red color of meat, called its bloom, may be changed to shades of green, brown or grey as a result of production of oxidizing compounds by bacteria. Which of the following species are reported to cause the greening of sausage?

Both (a) and (b)

2055 - The red or pink color of the fish is generally caused from the growth of

all of these

2056 - The Redfield ratio is an index of concentration of

carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous

2057 - The reduction of sulphates and sulphites to hydrogen sulphide is done by which group of bacteria?

anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria

2058 - The region in which bacteriochlorophyll can absorb light is _________

infrared region

2059 - The relationship between an oxidation-reduction potential difference and the standard free energy change is (where n is the number of moles of electron transferred, F= Faraday's constant and E°= standard oxidation-reduction potential difference)

ΔG° = -nFE°

2060 - The reovirus and influenza virus contain

10 different segments of dsRNA and 8 different segments of ssRNA respectively

2061 - The replacement of a purine by a pyrimidine or vice versa is known as ____________


2062 - The replication of chromosomes by eukaryotes occurs in a relatively short period of time because

each chromosome contains multiple replicons

2063 - The repressor protein, since the cell is resistant to lysis from externally infecting phage, is also called

immunity repressor

2064 - The reproduction by budding occur in

Both (a) and (b)

2065 - The respiratory chain of bacteria is associated with the _____________

cytoplasmic membrane

2066 - The ribosome binding site

is located immediately upstream of the start codon

2067 - The ribosome of E.coli is made up of which two subunits?

50S and 30S

2068 - The Rickettsias and Chlamydias are similar in all respects.


2069 - The RNA sarcoma viruses, the most strongly transforming viruses may transform which of the following cells in a culture?

all of these

2070 - The role of bacteriophyll in an oxygenic photosynthesis is to

use light energy to energize an electron

2071 - The role of molecular chaperones is to

aid a newly synthesized polypeptide in folding to its proper shape

2072 - The role of the M cell is to

pass bacteria or virus to underlying macrophages for processing and presentation of antigen

2073 - The Sabin vaccine is 70 to 90 percent effective for immunization against poliomyelitis.


2074 - The Sarcina sickness of beer, caused by Pedicoccus cerevisiae, is characterized by

all of these

2075 - The schizonts enter which body part?


2076 - The science of classification espacially classification of living forms called


2077 - The science of gathering and analysing large amounts of complicated biological data, such as genetic codes


2078 - The scientist who first discovered the substance penicillin was

Alexander Fleming

2079 - The screening test/s for diagnosis of HIV infection is/are

all of these

2080 - The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?


2081 - The secretary component of sIgA is

formed by cleavage of an epithelial cell receptor used to transport the dimeric IgA across the epithelial cell

2082 - The sequence of nucleic acid in a variety of viruses and viral host, will find more similarities

between viruses and their hosts than among different viruses

2083 - The serum concentration of which of the following human IgG subclass is maximum ?


2084 - The Shine-Dalgarno sequence is

a short sequence that acts as a ribosomal binding site

2085 - The sigma factor

recognizes the promotor

2086 - The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is___________?

Detection of coagulase

2087 - The size of a single plant cell is usually within the range of

20-40μm in diameter and 100-200μm long

2088 - The size of viruses is usually measured in


2089 - The small nonparticulate protein leading to enhanced replication of HBV as well as HIV is______________?

HBx Ag

2090 - The smallest cells of mycoplasmas are about ___________ in diameter.

0.3 micrometre

2091 - The solidifying agent commonly used in preparation of media is/are

both (a) and (b)

2092 - The species of Acetobacter which produces cellulosic strands to hold the cells in lime layer is

Acetobacter xylinum

2093 - The species of animals which is most susceptible to rabies infection is


2094 - The species of bacteria, which possesses 250 genes for lipid biosynthesis is

M. tuberculosis

2095 - The specific enzyme/(s) of the glyoxylate cycle is/are

both (a) and (b)

2096 - The specific test for Treponema pallidum is___________?


2097 - The spirochete which is associated with fusospirochetosis is______________?

Borrelia vincenti

2098 - The spoilage most commonly occurring in wine is tourne which refers to

acid formation from sugars, glucose and fructose

2099 - The spoilage of eggs by fungi goes through stages of mold growth that give the defects their names. Very early mold growth is termed

pin-spot molding

2100 - The Sporozoa belongs to which of the following phylum?


2101 - The stage of plasmodium in which trophozoites look like a ring in which nucleus and cytoplasm visible?

Ring stag

2102 - The staphylococcal intoxication refers to presence of

an enterotoxin

2103 - The step where glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is oxidized is substrate-level phosphorylation.


2104 - The straightforward method of binary fission explains how bacteria


2105 - The strain C. glutamicum can be used for the production of

all of these

2106 - The structural abnormality of cells is termed as


2107 - The structure in involved in bacterial attachment to cell surface is_______________?


2108 - The structure responsible for motility of bacteria is


2109 - The structure which contains the zygote nuclei in Rhizopus stolonifer is is known as _______________


2110 - The study of genetic material taken directly from environmental samples is known as


2111 - The submerged fermentation of vinegar utilizes special fermentor designs known as

both (a) and (b)

2112 - The substance(s) which can be produced by strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is/are

All of these

2113 - The sugar concentration of molasses used in fermentation should be


2114 - The sulfur pearl of Namibia, Thiomargarita namibiensis

Both (a) and (b)

2115 - The surface waters are susceptible to contamination with microorganisms from _______________

atmospheric water and the surface runoff

2116 - The susceptibility of a microorganism to antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents can be determined by using

both (a) and (b)

2117 - The swarming daughter cells possess special locomoter organelles like the parent cell.


2118 - The symmetry of nucleocapsid of poxvirusps is/are


2119 - The synthesis of DNA by DNA polymerase occurs in the

5' to 3' direction

2120 - The synthesis of mRNA based on a DNA template is called


2121 - The synthesis of new membrane material during reproduction in Gram-positive cells is performed by which of the following organelles?


2122 - The synthesis of polynucleotide chain of mRNA is catalyzed by the enzyme _____________

RNA polymerase

2123 - The systemic mycoses are caused mainly by air-borne organisms.


2124 - The taxa having the ending -mycetes is _______________


2125 - The TCA Cycle is an _____________ pathway.


2126 - The TCA cycle is regulated by which of the following enzymes?

isocitrate dehydrogenase

2127 - The technique first described to determine the incipient spoilage in meat was

extract Release Volume (ERV)

2128 - The technique in which small molecule of DNA quickly amplified and increase in number called


2129 - The technique(s), used for the assay of heat-labile enterotoxin produced by Escherichia coli, is/are

All of these

2130 - The temperate phage possesses a gene that codes for a repressor protein which makes the cell resistant to lysis initiated by

Both (a) and (b)

2131 - The temperate phage that have no site specificity for insertion and may even be able to insert multiple copies of their DNA into a single bacterial chromosome is

Phage Mu

2132 - The temperature required for cultivating mycobacterium________________?

37 degrees

2133 - The temperature that allows for most rapid growth during a short period of time is known as __________

Optimum Temperature

2134 - The temperatures used for canning foods ranges from ____________________

100-121 degree C

2135 - The template for PCR is

double stranded DNA

2136 - The term "global pandemic disease" refers to which of the following?

All of these

2137 - The term aerotolerant anaerobe refers to an organism that

doesn't use oxygen but can grow in the presence of oxygen

2138 - The term animalcules to oral microorganisms is given by__________________?


2139 - The term epitope refers to________________?

Smallest antigenic determinant

2140 - The term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that

uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when absent

2141 - The term fertility of oceans is used to express the capacity for the production of inorganic matter.


2142 - The term obligate anaerobe refers to an organism that

is killed by oxygen

2143 - The term 'Prokaryotic ' Was introduced by which of the following scientist?

Edouard Chatton

2144 - The term used for acquisition of naked DNA from its environment and its incorporation in their genome by a bacterium is


2145 - The term used for plasmids possessing both RTF and r determinants is

conjugative plasmids

2146 - The terminal sequence of nucleotides in all tRNA is __________


2147 - The terms mycelium and hyphae are associated with


2148 - The test (s) based on the principle of toxin neutralization is/are

both (a) and (b)

2149 - The test(s) used for the assay of cholera toxin is/are

All of the above

2150 - The test(s) which can be used to differentiate anthrax bacilli from anthracoid bacilli is/are

all of these

2151 - The thallus of a mold consists of

both (a) and (b)

2152 - The thermophilic anaerobe spoilage of low and medium acid canned products are caused by _____________

Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum

2153 - The third generation cephalosporin agents is


2154 - The third kingdom, protista, as suggested by E.H. Haeckel includes

all of these

2155 - The three domain version of life on earth is based on the

nucleic acid sequence data

2156 - The time gap between appearance of Koplik's spot and cutaneous rash in measles is________________?

3-4 days

2157 - The time in minutes at a specific temperature needed to kill a population of cells is the

F value

2158 - The time required to kill 90% of the microorganisms in a sample at a specific temperature is the

D value

2159 - The time temperature combination for HTST paterurization of 71.1°C for 15 sec is selected on the basis of

Coxiella Burnetii

2160 - The tissue structure deteriorates as the virus multiplies. This deterioration is called

cytopathic effect

2161 - The total biomass of an organism will be determined by the nutrient present in the lowest concentration relative to the organism's requirements is a statement of

Liebig's law of the minimum

2162 - The toxin of Staphylococcus aureus that may result into scalded skin syndrome is

Epidermolytic toxin

2163 - The toxins produced by bacteria

interfere with physiological processes in the body

2164 - The transcription of the viral nucleic acid into mRNA is not necessary in case of

RNA viruses

2165 - The transducing particles carry only specific portions of the bacterial genome in which of the following transduction?

Specialized transduction

2166 - The transfer of genes from one cell to another by a bacteriophage is known as __________________


2167 - The transfer of naked DNA from one cell to another is referred to as _______________


2168 - The transformation of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen is accomplished by microorganisms in a series of biochemical reactions. The process is known as


2169 - The transport medium for Vibrio cholerae can be

Venkatraman-Ramakrishnan medium

2170 - The transposase gene encodes an enzyme that facilitate

site-specific integration of transposable elements

2171 - The Trichomonads found in the intestine are ___________________

Trichomonas hominis

2172 - The two major components of viruses are

nucleic acid and protein

2173 - The type of immunoglobulin most commonly increased in multiple myeloma is_______________?


2174 - The type of mutation in which only one base is replace called

Both A and B

2175 - The type of recombination that commonly occurs between a pair of homologous DNA sequences is,

general recombination

2176 - The type of transport in which energy is used is known as

Active Transport

2177 - The uncontrolled proliferation of cells is termed as


2178 - The unifying feature of the archaea that distinguishes them from the bacteria is

absence of a nuclear membrane temperature

2179 - The upper region of the trickling filter is favorable for the growth of _____________


2180 - The urine sample of a patient has been sent to the laboratory to look for Leptospira. The specimen is to be screened by use of the__________________?

Dark ground microscope

2181 - The use of microbes to break down synthetic waste products such as polychlorinated biphenyls is called


2182 - The usual concentration of agar used in agar medium is___________________?


2183 - The violet pigement, violacein, is produced by which of the following bacterial genus?


2184 - The viral action is differentiated from bacterial action by_________________?

Interferon production

2185 - The viral DNA is removed from the host's chromosomes and the lytic cycle occurs. The process is called

spontaneous induction

2186 - The viral DNA may be incorporated into the phage head during phage assembly.


2187 - The viral DNA of the temperate phage, instead of taking over the functions of the cell's genes, is incorporated into the host DNA and becomes a prophage in the bacterial chromosome, acting as a gene. This happens in


2188 - The viral nucleocapsid is the combination of

genome and capsid

2189 - The virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhea include all of the following except____________?


2190 - The virus HIV is produced and propagated in_______________?

Circulating T4

2191 - The virus which causes Aplastic anemia in chronic hemolytic disease is_______________?

Parvo virus

2192 - The virus(es) which can cause aseptic meningitis is/are

All of these

2193 - The virus(es) which has club-shaped peplomers and infects the respiratory tract is/are

Coronavirus '

2194 - The viruses in an attenuated vaccine

continue to replicate

2195 - The viruses, which is/are transmitted by parenteral and sexual routes is/are

All of these

2196 - The walless cell is termed as


2197 - The walls of Nocardioforms contains the sugars ____________

arabinose and galactose

2198 - The whole-genome shotgun sequencing approach depends primarily on

rapidly sequencing thousands of small randomly cloned fragments

2199 - The Window period in HIV infection means______________?

The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies

2200 - The Winogradsky column experiment is done in the dark.


2201 - The word cell was first used by

Robert Hooke

2202 - The word glycolysis mean:

Splitting of glucose

2203 - The word, used for the small solid supports onto which are spotted hundreds of thousands of tiny drops of DNA that can be used to screen gene expression, is

DNA microarrays

2204 - The world german measles is applied for_____________?


2205 - The X factor and/or the V factor is required by which genus of bacteria?


2206 - The yeast cell or mould filament is surrounded by a true cell wall.


2207 - The yoghurt is made from

mixed culture of (a) and (b)

2208 - There are how many type of respiration?


2209 - There are one or more oospheres in each oogonium.


2210 - Thermus aquaticus, a common bacterial inhabitant generally prevails in temperatures of ____________


2211 - Thermus thermopiles is a

gram negative eubacteria

2212 - Thiobacillus can produce an acidity in the range of pH __________


2213 - Thiobacillus thiooxidans has an optimum pH of


2214 - Thread worm is______________?


2215 - Three stop codons, which aids in termination of translation are also known as

nonsense codons

2216 - Thumb print appearance in culture film smear is seen______________?

Bordetelia pertussis

2217 - Thymine dimers are directly repaired with the help of visible light by process known as


2218 - Tinea versicolor is caused by _______________

Malassezia furfur

2219 - To a living organism, which of the following has the greatest amount of available energy per molecule?


2220 - To filter bacteria scientist select which of the following range of pore size of filter paper?

0.22um to 0.45 um

2221 - To filter the viruse from medicine , scientist select which of the following pore size of filter paper?


2222 - To grow the heamophilus influenza species in culture media which of the growth factor must required?

X factor

2223 - To select cholera-causing bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, the pH of the medium is maintained at a pH of


2224 - To sterlized the room that contain burn patients which of the following method preferred?

High efficacy particulate air

2225 - To visualizing Bacillus endospore ,Which one of the following stain used?


2226 - To which genus enterococcus is more related?


2227 - To which of the following adenine always binds?


2228 - Too long a fermentation of sauerkraut may favour the growth of

Lactobacillus brevis

2229 - Total Magnification is obtained by __________

Magnifying power of both the objective lens and eyepiece

2230 - Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor_____________?

Pyrogenic exotoxin

2231 - Toxin A involved in pseudomembranous colitis is a type of _______________


2232 - Toxoids are_________________?

antigenic and non-toxic

2233 - Trachoma is a disease of _______

Blindness in human

2234 - Trachoma is caused by ________


2235 - Transfection involves the introduction of plasmid hybrid DNA into the host cell.


2236 - Transfer of genes between cells that are in physical contact with one another is known as transformation.


2237 - Transfer of infection from cell to cell occurs mainly by direct transfer of virions via


2238 - Transfer RNA is a single chain of ___________ nucleotides.

about 80

2239 - Translation of mRNA into proteins takes place in the ________________

host cell cytoplasm

2240 - Translation takes place before transcription.


2241 - Transmission of all of the following intestinal parasites takes place by the feco-oral route except______________?


2242 - Transmission of bubonic plague is by

rat flea

2243 - Transmission of hepatitis G virus is

Both (a) and (b)

2244 - Transmission of Molluscum contagiosum virus is through

both (a) and (b)

2245 - Transmission of pneumonic plague from man to man is through

droplet infection

2246 - Transposon refer to

All of these

2247 - Transverse binary fission requires the formation of a crosswall.


2248 - Traveller's diarrhea is caused by

entero toxigenic E. coli (ETEC)

2249 - Treatment of municipal water supplies is based upon

coagulation, filtration, chlorination

2250 - Treatment with bacterial endotoxins results blast formation in

B cells

2251 - Treponema pallidium is cause of_______


2252 - Treponema sp. can be selected by taking advantage of ____________

small cell diameter and bacterial motility

2253 - Treponema species from human oral cavity can be selected by using

cell size and motility

2254 - Trickling filter comes under

secondary treatment

2255 - Trickling filter is used in which of the following wastewater treatment processes?

Secondary treatment

2256 - tRNA has a _______________ structure.


2257 - True about HIV are all except______________?

DNA virus

2258 - True about immune response of hepatitis B is__________________?

Antibody of HBs Ag is associated with resistance to infection

2259 - True about prions________________?

Composed largely proteins without any nucleic acid

2260 - True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by_______________?


2261 - True about VDRL test________________?

All of the above

2262 - Trypanosoma belongs to which of the following order?


2263 - Tuberculin test screens for_____________?

Cell mediated immunity

2264 - Tuberculosis brucellosis is caused by the pathogen from an infected cow.


2265 - Tuberculosis is which type of infection?


2266 - Two lateral flagella are present in which of the following groups of algae?


2267 - Two organisms which are very closely related to each other have which of the following property?

similar mol% G+C values and heteroduplexes are formed

2268 - Tyndallisation is carried out for________________?

Three successive days

2269 - Tyndallization is a technique to kill______


2270 - Type I hypersensitivity is mediated by which of the following immunoglobulins ?


2271 - Type III secretion systems are used to inject ""effector"" proteins directly into a host cell. Salmonella uses a type III secretion system to help the pathogen to

survive within macrophages

2272 - Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by which of the following________________?

Active T cells

2273 - Type of Human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix_____________?


2274 - Type of receptor present on T-cells are__________________?


2275 - Type strain is used for referring to?


2276 - Types of exotoxin, most commonly associated with botulism in man, is/are?

All of these

2277 - Typical drumstick appearance of bacilli is generally seen in

C tetani

2278 - Tyrocidines are more effective against ___________________

Gram-positive organisms

2279 - Under a compound microscope, structures smaller than ______micrometre cannot be seen.

Less than 0.2 micrometer

2280 - Under light microscope, What range of cells can be visulized?

10mm to 200nm

2281 - Under what conditions do endospore formed?

All of these

2282 - Under what conditions food poisoning bacteria may grow and produce toxins in vegetables?

When thawed vegetables are held at room temperature for any considerable period

2283 - Undigested particles are eliminated from the cell through the ___________________


2284 - Unlike purple and Green phototrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria are _____

Produce oxygen during photosynthesis

2285 - Unopened, sliced bacon, packaged in material somewhat highly resistant to oxygen permeability, is spoiled mostly by


2286 - Use of electric current to insert DNA in the cell done by which of the following technique


2287 - Usually viruses are separated into several large groups based primarily on

nature of the host

2288 - V. cholerae does not penetrate into the body.


2289 - Vaccination was invented by ____________


2290 - Vacuum packaged meats are spoiled by

Both (a) and (b)

2291 - Vancomycin inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis by binding

D-alanyl - D-alanine

2292 - Various bacterial species can be subdivided into

all of these

2293 - Vaucheria is a single-celled organism.


2294 - VDRL is a________________?

Slide flocculation test

2295 - VDRL test is an example of

Slide test

2296 - Vegetative cells are much more sensitive to heat than are spores.


2297 - Veillonellaceae is the family of bacteria consisting of motile cocci.


2298 - Verotoxin 1 of Escherichia coli is similar to

shiga toxin

2299 - Vertical transmission may be seen in

All of these

2300 - Viable plate count can be obtained using

both (a) and (b)

2301 - Vibrio cholera was discovered by_________________?


2302 - Vibrio cholerae adheres to the epithelial cells of the small intestine by means of ______________


2303 - Vibrio cholerae can grow in a medium with a pH of _______


2304 - Vinegar is a fermentation derived food product containing not less than

4% acetic acid

2305 - Viral infections frequently observed in HIV disease is /are

all of these

2306 - Viral matrix proteins are

anchor the envelope of enveloped viruses

2307 - Viral RNA is replicated in the host cell

cytoplasmic matrix

2308 - Viroids are composed of

single-stranded RNA

2309 - Viron is defined as______________?

Extracellular infectious virus particle

2310 - Viropexis takes place in the phagocytic vacuoles and is due to the action of enzymes

lysosomal protease

2311 - Virulence of Gonococcus is due to___________________?


2312 - Virulent and nonvirulent viruses may not

degrade host cell DNA

2313 - Virus are sharply differentiated from bacteria by_______________?

All of the above

2314 - Virus infected cell is killed by________________?


2315 - Virus is cultured in_______________?

Embryonated egg

2316 - Viruses are classified in which of the following domain?

None of these

2317 - Viruses can be cultured in all except_______________?

Blood agar

2318 - Viruses can be isolated from clinical samples by cultivation in the following except_______________?

Chemically defined media

2319 - Viruses largely lack metabolic machinery of their own to generate energy or to synthesize


2320 - Viruses require __________ for growth.

living cells

2321 - Volutin granules stain which colour with dilute methylene blue?

Reddish purple

2322 - Volutin is a diagnostic feature of which of the following bacteria?

Corynebacterium diphtheria

2323 - VP3 protein is isolated from which of the following viruses?


2324 - Wasserman test test is diagnostic of__________________?


2325 - Water activity can act as

all of the above

2326 - Water molds belong to which division?


2327 - Water molds form flagellated spores are called


2328 - Water testing relies on the detection of certain indicator organisms known as


2329 - Watery soft rot is found mostly in


2330 - Watson an Crick perposed 3D model of DNA in which year?


2331 - Wavelengths around ___________ have the highest bactericidal efficiency.

2650 Ã…

2332 - We observe increased growth in nutrient agar plates as concentration of chemical agent is decreased.


2333 - We require cell-free DNA for transformation to take place.


2334 - We require less time to kill the population of many cells.


2335 - Weil-Felix reaction is based on sharing of antigens between

rickettsial antigens and antigens of certain strains of Proteus

2336 - Wells less than ___________ deep are considered to be shallow.

100 ft

2337 - West Nile virus can cause a disease in human beings that may be transmitted from an infected bird to a person by a mosquito. This is an example of

arthropod borne disease

2338 - Westren Blotting TEST is used for which pathogen?

Both of these

2339 - What amount of dry organic matter is produced by deep ocean areas?


2340 - What are bacteriocins?


2341 - What are Blue-Green bacteria called?


2342 - What are characteristics of thermalcycler?

All of these

2343 - What are Magnatosomes?

Inclusion of Iron

2344 - What are mesosomes in bacteria?

Membranous folds

2345 - What are ribosomes composed of?

Proteins and RNA

2346 - What are the blood serum proteins produced by animals called?


2347 - What are the cell wall structural components of fungi?

chitin,cellulose, or hemicellulose

2348 - What are the characteristics of rough pneumococci strain?

noncapsulated and nonpathogenic

2349 - What are the dimensions of the filaments that the thallus of a fungus consists of?

5 to 10 micrometre

2350 - What are the end product of lipid metabolism?

Both B and C

2351 - What are the end product of protein metabolism?

Amino acids

2352 - What are the extrinsic factors for the microbial growth?

all of these

2353 - What are the intrinsic factors for the microbial growth?

All of these

2354 - What are the products of kreb Cycle?

All of these

2355 - What are the Svedberg values for the subunits of the 70S ribosomes of E. colli?

50S and 30S

2356 - What can be coated to the plastic dish if an ELISA is performed to directly detect polio virus?

Anti-polio antibody

2357 - What dies meant by "plasma"?


2358 - What dies meant by bacteriophage?

Bacteria that able to engulf virus

2359 - What differentiated one amino acid from other?

Presence of R group

2360 - What disease does Vibrio cholerae cause?


2361 - What disese is suspected, when 'Acid Fast Bacilli' is positive?


2362 - What do the term dimorphic mean?

Exists in two forms

2363 - What do you mean by hypertrophy?

increase in cell volume

2364 - What does a viral DNA becomes after being associated with the bacterial chromosome?


2365 - What does anoxyganic means?

Photosynthesis process without production of gas

2366 - What does mean by word "mykes"?


2367 - What does meant by codon?

Group of three nucleotide

2368 - What does meant by desication?

To remove water

2369 - What does meant by exon on DNA?

These are genes that actually expressed

2370 - What does meant by protoplasts?

Cell without cell wall

2371 - What does meant by suffix -cide?

To kill

2372 - What does meant by suffix stat?

To inhibit

2373 - What does meant by word - myco?


2374 - What does meant by word "coryne "?

Club shaped

2375 - What does meant by word -cyan?


2376 - What does meant by word phage?


2377 - What does the decolorizer do in gram stain?

Both B and C

2378 - What does the positive strand in double stranded RNA viruses stands for?


2379 - What does Ti stand for______

Tumor inducing

2380 - What exactly is an artefact?

Cell debris

2381 - What function perform by bacteriocin?

It kill bacteria

2382 - What happens if you don't use immersion oil when using a 100X objective lens?

Image appears blurr

2383 - What helps in the heat resistance of the endospore?

calcium-DPA complex

2384 - What human disease caused by Algae?

Systemic chloreollosis

2385 - What information can be generated by interrupted mating experiments?

Bacterial genome maps

2386 - What is an anaerobic digester?

Method to convert agricultural waste into a biogas

2387 - What is an environmental advantage of a pigment?How does arrangement of streptococcus differ from staphlococcus?

Streptococcus cells are arranged in chain form while Staphlococcus cells are arrange in cluster.

2388 - What is biofilm?

Group of different type of microorganisms

2389 - What is commercial use of citric acid?


2390 - What is common in catheters and ventilators?

They bypass important defenses of the body

2391 - What is function of genetically modified chymogen?

To improve curd quality

2392 - What is meant by algal bloom?

Periodic increase in population of alga

2393 - What is meant by anamorphs?

Fungi lost ability to produce sexullay

2394 - What is meant by carbohydrate metabolism?

Breakdown of carbohydrate molecule to produce energy

2395 - What is meant by competitive inhibition?

Instead of normal substrate competitive inhibitor can fill the active site of an enzyme

2396 - What is meant by degeneracy of codon?

More than one codin responsible for one amino acid

2397 - What is meant by dimorphic fungi?

fungi exist as single cell and mold as well

2398 - What is meant by Karyogammy?

Fusion of cell nuclei

2399 - What is meant by meiosis?

It is a type of cell divion with production of four haploid cells

2400 - What is meant by mesosomes?

These are irregular folds in plasma membrane


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