Human Anatomy Most Important MCQs: Set#. 1

1 - ____________ provide(s) both structural support and the enzymes needed to make proteins from amino acid building blocks.


2 - _______________ ions account for nearly 90% of the positively charged ions found in extracellular fluid.


3 - _____is the most common extracellular cation, while _____ is the most abundant intracellular cation.

sodium; potassium

4 - A ______________ section divides the body into right and left portions.


5 - A carpal fracture is one that occurs to the bones found within the ankle.


6 - A condition in which there is a congenital predisposition for a ruptured aorta is _____________.

Marfan syndrome

7 - A deep wound to the upper thigh might damage the _____________ artery.


8 - A diet that contains _____will have sufficient amino acids.

rice and beans

9 - A fatty acid in which the carbon atoms are all linked by single carbon- carbon bonds is said to be _________________.


10 - A genetic mutation refers to _________________.

a missing or altered nucleotide base or a missing gene

11 - A heartbeat of less than 60 beats per minute is called _____.


12 - A high blood osmotic pressure will cause neurons to expand.


13 - A motor unit is made up of _______________.

a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates

14 - A neuron with many nerve fibers arising from its cell body and that carries impulses away from the brain would be classified as __________________.

multipolar and motor

15 - A number of hormonal secretions begin or increase during puberty. Which hormone appears to initiate the process of puberty?

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

16 - A person who can pass either a widow's peak or continuous hairline to the next generation is said to be _______________ for the hairline trait.


17 - A person with eosinophilia, or greater than normal numbers of eosinophils, is most likely suffering from ____________.

allergies or internal parasites

18 - A person with type AB blood would have ____________ antigens on red blood cells, and ___________ antibodies carried in the plasma.

A and B; neither anti-A or anti-B

19 - A sensory receptor capable of detecting changes in hydrogen ion concentration is more accurately described as a ______________.


20 - A skeletal muscle also contains smooth muscle fibers within it.


21 - A so-called "salt craving" is primarily the result of _________________.

a severe electrolyte deficiency

22 - A soft spot in a newborn's skull is called a __________________.


23 - A study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of _____.


24 - A substance with a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.000001 g/L has a pH of ___________.


25 - A tooth in its socket is an example of a joint called a:


26 - A tumor on the side of the abdomen can be described as being on the _____ surface of the body.


27 - A unique venous system, called the ________________, carries blood directly from the intestines to the liver for processing rather than directly into the inferior vena cava.

hepatic portal system

28 - A(n) _________________ is the transplanting of one's own skin from an unburned region of the body to a burned area.


29 - Activities of the digestive system are generally increased by _________________ nervous stimulation.


30 - Adipose tissue is most abundant in the ________________ layer of the skin.


31 - After the inner ear has perceived sound, the sound is dissipated because ____________.

air inside the middle ear dissipates the sound waves

32 - Aging appears to result from each of these causes except _______________.

adequate nutrition and exercise

33 - All birth defects are genetic and inherited.


34 - All body structures must be associated with some type of functions and purposes.


35 - All genetic abnormalities have a certain degree of probability to be inherited.


36 - All hormones secreted by the pituitary actually came from the hypothalamus.


37 - All neurons have at least one dendrite but one or more axons.


38 - All organisms share a set of basic requirements. These include all of the following, with the exception of _____________, which is not required by all organisms, even if it is present in many.

carbon dioxide

39 - All white bloods retain their nucleus throughout the life of the cell.


40 - An abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid is termed ______.


41 - An acute infection would show up in a blood count as ______________.


42 - An electrically neutral atom bears what trait?

It contains the same number of electrons and protons.

43 - An essential compound not readily synthesized in the liver is _____.

linoleic acid

44 - An exocrine gland that loses small parts of its cell bodies during secretion, as is the case for the mammary gland, is further classified as a(n) ____________ gland.


45 - Anatomy is a term which means the study of _____.


46 - Animal "starch," or _______________, consists of branched chains of sugar units and functions to store energy.


47 - Another name for the wrist bones is _______________.


48 - Another term for dislocation of a joint is _______________.


49 - Antibodies are defense substances produced by the _____ cells.


50 - Antibodies interact with antigens in all of these ways except _______________.

releasing interferon

51 - As nerve fibers come into direct contact with muscle fibers, they form a connection called the neuro- muscular junction.


52 - At resting potential, the ion distribution inside and outside of a neuron is such that __________ ions are most abundant on the outside of the cell, while __________ ions are most abundant on the inside of the cell.

sodium; potassium

53 - At what age do age-related degenerative changes begin in most adults?

age 30

54 - At what pH is a solution completely acidic? ____


55 - Atoms such as sodium that are in the first column of the periodic table have positive charges.


56 - Blood in all veins is relatively low in oxygen.


57 - Blood is drained from the face, scalp, and superficial regions of the neck by the _______________.

external jugular veins

58 - Branched nerve fibers that convey impulses toward the cell body of a neuron are called _____________.


59 - Breathing centers accessory to the medulla are located in which brain area?


60 - By morphology, the parietal bone can be classified as a _____ bone.


61 - By which process does a glucose molecule move through a cell membrane protein carrier from a region of greater concentration to one of lower concentration?

facilitated diffusion

62 - Cardiac output can be determined by the following formula:


63 - Cells have the capability of synthesizing water during metabolism.


64 - Cells use up to 40% of their daily energy expenditure engaged in what important process?

active transport

65 - Cerebrospinal fluid, fluid within the eyes, joints, and body cavities, and fluid secretions of exocrine glands are all classified specifically as ______________ fluid.


66 - Chemical reactions occur as bonds are formed or broken between molecules. The molecules that are changed by a reaction are called _______________.


67 - Choose the carbohydrate that is not absorbed as a monosaccharide in the digestive tract.


68 - Choose the correct order for the steps of hemostasis.

blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation

69 - Choose the correct statement about cell membranes.

Ion channels function as gates, opening or closing to specific ions, under certain conditions.

70 - Choose the correct statement about proteins and their structure.

A protein's conformation determines its function.

71 - Choose the factor that is not a major metabolic source of hydrogen ions in the body.

dehydration synthesis of nucleic acids

72 - Choose the one trait that does not characterize the structure of a nephron.

Blood that will be filtered flows into the glomerular capsule.

73 - Choose the organelle that consists of microtubules and functions both in distributing chromosomes during cell division and in forming portions of cilia and flagella.


74 - Choose the recessive human trait from the list that follows.

hairless forearms

75 - Choose the response that the body employs to raise body temperature only when the others listed have failed.


76 - Choose the statement about steroid hormones that is incorrect.

Steroids employ first and second messengers that amplify the cellular response.

77 - Choose the statement about the sense of pain that is correct.

A phenomenon known as referred pain can be explained because of common nerve pathways used by both the skin and internal organs.

78 - Choose the statement that does not correctly characterize the kidneys.

The right kidney is usually 5 to 2 centimeters higher than the left one.

79 - Choosing from the following list of connective tissues, which one consists of cells in a fluid matrix?


80 - Choosing from the following list, the most effective means of preventing conception is _____________.

tubal ligation

81 - Chromosomes align midway between centrioles during what phase of mitosis?


82 - Compact bone is made up of _______________ cemented together.


83 - Compared to the others listed below, which type of tooth is more likely to be involved in grinding food?


84 - Connections between nerves are mainly found within the central white matter portion of the spinal cord.


85 - Connective tissue fibers that have great tensile strength and can be found in ligaments and tendons are _________________.

collagenous fibers

86 - Connective tissue is complex because it has a variety of cells and a noncellular background called a_____ surrounding them.


87 - Connective tissues are somewhat similar to epithelial tissues in all of these characteristics except ___________________.

they have abundant intercellular material

88 - Considering all molecules known, inorganic molecules usually contain fewer atoms that organic molecules.


89 - Cut neurons possess limited capabilities for regeneration. The type of neuroglial cell that aids regeneration by forming a regeneration tube to help reestablish the former connection is the _______________.

Schwann cell

90 - Cyclic AMP functions as a(n) _______________ for _______________ hormones.

second messenger; nonsteroid

91 - Diabetes insipidus results from an excess production of ADH.


92 - Diabetic ketoacidosis is an example of which imbalance?

metabolic acidosis

93 - DNA can be found within chromosomes during division but prior to division DNA exists as long thin _____ strands.


94 - DNA contains each of the following components, except ______________.

a single polynucleotide chain

95 - Drinking alcoholic beverages on hot days is not safe because alcohol inhibits the release of ____________ which normally helps to conserve water during dehydration.

antidiuretic hormone

96 - During glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is broken down to ______ molecules of pyruvic acid, _______ hydrogen atoms are released, and there is a net gain of _______ ATP molecules.

2; 4; 2

97 - During ovulation, a(n) _____________ is released from the ovary.

secondary oocyte

98 - During spermatogenesis, which stage is the first to be haploid in number of chromosomes?

secondary spermatocyte

99 - During what phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

S phase

100 - During which meiotic division is the number of chromosomes halved?

during meiosis I

101 - During which phase of meiosis does the phenomenon called crossing-over occur?

prophase I

102 - During which stage of gastric secretion do gastric glands actually begin secreting gastric juice?

cephalic phase

103 - Each muscle fiber is directly surrounded by connective tissue called the _____.


104 - Edema can be caused by all of these factors except ________________.

an increase in the plasma protein concentration

105 - Elderly nursing home residents are often called by their first names, rather than by their last names. Why is this the case?

First names are stored in the residents' long-term memories and are remembered while last names are less likely recalled.

106 - Electrolytes that release hydrogen ions (H+) in water are called ________________.


107 - Elements that are radioactive isotopes react in similar chemical ways to their relatively stable counterparts, such as C12 and C1


108 - Emotional responses and attitudes are associated with which brain area?

limbic system

109 - Enzymes function in chemical reactions to ____________________.

lower the energy of activation needed to start the reaction

110 - Epidermal cells usually grow and divide from the upper layers of the skin and migrate towards the dermis.


111 - Epithelial cells may have cilia or processes called microvilli on their surfaces.


112 - Epithelial linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary bladder, and urethra all form from the _______________layer of the gastrula.


113 - Epithelial tissue is characterized by each of these traits, except that ____________.

epithelial cells are loosely packed and have much intercellular material

114 - Epithelial tissues line the outside as well as the inside of the human organism.


115 - Epithelium that appears layered due to the varying levels at which nuclei are found in cells, but in reality is not layered, is _________________.

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

116 - Erythroblastosis fetalis, also known as hemolytic disease of the newborn, most often occurs in ______________ mothers carrying ______________ fetuses.

Rh-; Rh+

117 - Even after the most forceful exhalation, a certain volume of air remains in the lungs. This volume is called the ________________.

residual volume

118 - Excess protein in the diet can cause obesity.


119 - Excess proteins in the diet usually cause a state of nutritional edema.


120 - Excessive sleeping is most likely due to the presence of too much of which neurotransmitter?


121 - Fibers that originate from different parts of the nervous system and lead to the same neuron are exhibiting _____________.


122 - Flexing the shoulder is the same action as extending the arm.


123 - Free nerve endings in the skin are associated with the sensation of pain.


124 - Freshly oxygenated blood enters the heart through the ______________, and is pumped out the _____________.

left atrium; aorta

125 - Fruits contain the citric acid needed to prevent bleeding gums and fragile bones.


126 - Genes are functional regions found within molecules of ______.

deoxyribonucleic acid

127 - Hairs are non-cellular structures comprised of compacted chemicals such as keratin.


128 - Hairs arise from which layer of the skin?

stratum basale of the epidermis

129 - Heat loss occurs from the body by each of these methods except __________________.

cellular respiration

130 - Heavy pressure and vibrations stimulate ________________.

Pacinian corpuscles

131 - Hemorrhaging could occur because of lack of sufficient vitamin ____.


132 - High levels of TSH would suppress thyroxine by negative feedback.


133 - Homologous chromosomes are separated during _______________.

anaphase I

134 - Hormones do not stimulate all cell types with equal probability.


135 - How are B cells activated?

A B cell is activated when it encounters an antigen that matches its B cell receptors and receives cytokines from helper T cells.

136 - How are the components of fats absorbed in the small intestine?

Components of lipids diffuse through small intestinal cell membranes, are reconstructed in the cells, then carried off by lacteals as chylomicrons.

137 - How do the senses of smell and taste differ?

They differ in the reproductive rate of the receptors.

138 - How does alcohol function as a diuretic?

Alcohol inhibits the release of ADH and thus urine output is increased.

139 - How does the body make use of dietary cholesterol?

It is used for structural material in cell membranes.

140 - How does the impulse to contract slow down slightly before it is transferred into the ventricles?

Junctional fibers leading into the AV node have very small diameters.

141 - How is it possible for the rate and depth of breathing to affect hydrogen ion concentrations in body fluids?

During increased air exchange, more carbon dioxide is given off, returning hydrogen ion concentrations to normal.

142 - How many bones are there in the body?


143 - How many calories are produced from 10g carbohydrate, 5g fat, and 2g protein?


144 - How many genes are believed to constitute the human genome?


145 - How many mature, functional follicles will a female produce in a lifetime?


146 - How many openings are there in the right atrium?


147 - Hypothyroidism in infants can result in _______________.


148 - If a person bent their foot at the ankle upward toward the shin, it would be an example of __________.


149 - If a trait, such as hemophilia, occurs more often in males than in females, it is because the gene for the trait is most likely carried on ________________.

the X chromosome

150 - If Chris, who carries the gene for cystic fibrosis but does not have the disease, fathers a child with Rhonda, who also carries the cystic fibrosis gene but does not have the disease, what is the likelihood that their first-born will have cystic fibrosis?

25% chance

151 - If sufficient oxygen within a cell were available, what would be the end product of glycolysis?

pyruvic acid

152 - Impulses within a neuron always travel from the dendrite towards the axons.


153 - In a pregnancy, the corpus luteum will last from 3 to 6 months.


154 - In a synovial joint, the purpose of the cancellous bone beneath the articular cartilage is __________.

to absorb shocks and help protect the joint

155 - In Down's syndrome, there is an extra chromosome number _____.


156 - In males as well as in females, the external urethral sphincter is made up of skeletal muscle, and is thus under voluntary control. Where is the external urethral sphincter located in males?

within the urogenital diaphragm

157 - In response to a stimulus, if the membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential, we say the membrane is _______________.


158 - In the "second messenger" theory, which is the first messenger?


159 - In the biosynthesis of large molecules within the body, water is usually added to two or more molecules as they join together.


160 - In the female, the urinary bladder lies posterior to the uterus and vagina.


161 - In the liver, the _____ may play a role in producing the enzymes that help detoxify drugs.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

162 - In the pancreas, ______________ cells secrete insulin, which ____________ blood levels of glucose.

beta; lowers

163 - In what part of the nucleus does ribosome production occur?

in the area of the nucleolus

164 - In which area can the term urine be correctly used?

collecting duct

165 - In which joint would the annular ligament be found?


166 - In which menstrual cycle phase does implantation occur?


167 - In which of these joints is a gliding joint?

between bones of the wrist and ankle

168 - In which portion of the spinal cord do the interneurons lie?

gray matter

169 - In which process do the cells remain the same size?


170 - In which type of joint does a slightly flexible interosseous ligament bind the bones?


171 - Individuals with Turner syndrome have which genetic abnormality?

one X chromosome; no Y chromosome

172 - Inside the epiphyses of each long bone, mostly ________________ can be found.

spongy bone

173 - Into what does the neuron release its neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction?

synaptic cleft

174 - Intrinsic factor is necessary for the absorption of which vitamin?

vitamin B12

175 - Intrinsic factor is secreted by which cells of the gastric glands?

parietal cells

176 - Ionic bonds tend to form between ____________________.

atoms that have become electrically, and oppositely, charged

177 - Isotonic contractions occur as one tries to lift a table that is nailed to the floor.


178 - Isotopes of the same element vary in the number of _______________ they contain.

neutrons in their nuclei

179 - It is more easy to fatigue an arm muscle than the heart muscle.


180 - It is normal for urine and semen to mix in the male.


181 - It is possible to find all the hormones in a blood sample taken from the arm.


182 - It is the body's __________________ glands that respond to higher body temperature and release water to the skin surface.


183 - Juxtaglomerular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus secrete _______________ when _______________.

renin; blood pressure drops

184 - Keratin is a protein found in skin cells that allows them to retain their pliable and soft texture.


185 - Looking like a skeleton, having a greatly depressed immune system, and dying of childhood diseases are traits that characterize _________________.


186 - Loss of the sensation of taste is referred to as _____________.


187 - Lymphatic capillaries are able to receive cellular debris and foreign particles because ________________.

of the structure of their flaplike valves

188 - Lymphatic vessels contain valves to allow for one-way movement of fluid.


189 - Males and females have equal chances of inheriting sex linked disorders.


190 - Males have a number of internal accessory organs. Which one(s) is/are responsible for secreting fluid containing fructose and prostaglandins?

seminal vesicles

191 - Males have more red blood cells than females.


192 - Many changes occur in the newborn infant as it adapts to a life apart from its mother. What happens to the umbilical vein?

It closes off to become the ligamentum teres.

193 - Many proteins contain all the essential amino acids while others do not. Choose the protein source that provides incomplete protein.


194 - Meiosis is defined as the process by which sperm cells give rise to four daughter cells each.


195 - Melanocytes lie within the _________________ of the skin.

stratum basale and upper dermis

196 - Membranes are called selectively permeable because they allow most substances to enter the cell.


197 - Metabolic pathways are regulated by a(n) ____________ enzyme, which is also often the first enzyme in a series.


198 - Microvilli, which function to increase surface area, are more likely to be found in ____________ epithelium.

simple columnar

199 - Modified sweat glands, called __________________ glands, secrete wax in the ear canal.


200 - Molecules that are soluble in ___________ can pass through the fatty acid portion of the cell membrane unassisted.



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