Human Anatomy Most Important MCQs: Set#. 2

201 - Monocytes become macrophages as they leave the blood and enter the tissue spaces.


202 - Most accessory structures found within the dermis are actually of epidermal origin.


203 - Most of the ATP energy in the metabolism of glucose is derived from the Kreb's cycle (TCA; Citric Acid Cycle.)


204 - Most of the average adult heart lies to the left of the midline.


205 - Most of the body's homeostatic mechanisms operate by negative feedback, although a few function through positive feedback. Choose the example from the list below that operates by positive feedback.

A baby suckling at the breast stimulates greater milk production.

206 - Most of the readily-available energy stored in ATP is stored during the ________________.

phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP

207 - Most of the skeleton is comprised of fibrous membrane before birth.


208 - Most olfactory receptors are located on the ______ surface of the nasal cavity.


209 - Most small proteins are reabsorbed by _______________.


210 - Motor neurons receive impulses from the muscles in order to regulate glandular secretions.


211 - Motor neurons usually have a more complex structure than sensory neurons.


212 - Moving an arm so that it traces a cone is called _____.


213 - Moving the right eye towards the right is an example of:


214 - Muscles that act to cause similar movements are called _____.


215 - Muscles that are not used, may degenerate or undergo a process of _____.


216 - Myasthenia gravis reflects a deficiency in communication by _______________ because receptors for this neurotransmitter have been destroyed.


217 - Myelin sheaths on the outsides of many axons are contributed by ______________.

Schwann cells

218 - Myoglobin, hemoglobin, and many enzymes are ________________ proteins.


219 - Nerves impulses always travel to the brain through _____ fibers.


220 - Neural tube defects are easily prevented by the adequate intake of _____________ by the pregnant mother?

folic acid

221 - Neuroglial cells help neurons in each of these ways, with the exception of _______________.

transmitting nervous impulses

222 - Nutrients that the body needs but cannot synthesize on its own are called __________________.

essential nutrients

223 - Objects are perceived by photoreceptors because the rods or cones _______________ as their _________________ in the presence of light.

hyperpolarize; pigments decompose

224 - Of every 100 secondary oocytes that are exposed to sperm, how many infants are actually born live?

about 31

225 - Of the following, which factors influence basal metabolic rate to the greatest extent?

thyroid hormone

226 - Of the following, which represents an organic compound?


227 - Of the ligaments that reinforce the hip joint, which one is made up of a Y- shaped band that connects the anterior inferior iliac spine of the coxal bone to the intertrochanteric line?

iliofemoral ligament

228 - Older women carry a greater chance of having a child with trisomy 21 than a younger mother.


229 - One of the consequences of inadequate dietary carbohydrate is breakdown of stored fat and the unhealthy accumulation of ____________.

ketone bodies

230 - One of the following statements about muscular responses is not true. Choose that one.

When a person is fully at rest, none of her muscles are contracting.

231 - One of the main functions associated with simple squamous epithelium is _____.


232 - Only the sperm have the ability to determine the sex of the offspring.


233 - Ovulation appears to be triggered by a midcycle surge in ______________.

luteinizing hormone (LH)

234 - Parkinson disease tremors are the result of which condition?

dopamine deficiency

235 - Partial or complete inability to coordinate voluntary movements is also referred to as ___________.


236 - Patients with leukemia often suffer clotting abnormalities and internal bleeding.


237 - Pericardial fluid is serous and allows the heart to beat without friction in the pericardial sac.


238 - Peristaltic muscular contractions are important for conveying urine through the excretory system, much like peristalsis in the digestive tract. Peristalsis of the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder is controlled by ______________.

parasympathetic nervous impulses

239 - Pernicious anemia can result from lack of vitamin ____.


240 - Persons are usually not aware that reflexes are occurring, because they are involuntary.


241 - Persons with spinal cord damage in the lumbar area will no longer have urination reflexes.


242 - Persons with Turner's syndrome have male chromosomes but have a female appearance.


243 - Plasma is about 45% of the total blood volume.


244 - Potentially life-threatening ketone bodies are the result of ______metabolism.


245 - Prostaglandins are ___________ substances that regulate neighboring cells.


246 - Protein molecules can also be used to supply energy for the body, but to do so, proteins must first be stripped of their ____________.

247 - Protons all bear positive charges while neutrons have no net charge.


248 - Pus is a collection of living and dead white blood cells.


249 - Radioactive isotopes emit energy or particles until they reach a stable form. Which type of radiation emitted by a radioactive isotope can be the most penetrating, and thus the most damaging, to living things?

gamma radiation

250 - Red blood cells survive around _____ days.


251 - Removal of the spleen will impair the immune capabilities of the individual.


252 - Renal calculi are commonly comprised of urea and calcium salt precipitates.


253 - Ribosomes are comprised of RNA that has been synthesized directly by the nucleus.


254 - Sebaceous glands are only associated with hair follicles and do not exist alone by themselves.


255 - Sedentary people with elevated triglyceride levels who continue to eat fatty foods are likely to have high levels of ____________ in their bloodstream.

very-low density lipoprotein (VLDL)

256 - Select the correct statement about bone.

Bone is a very metabolically active tissue.

257 - Select the correct statement about the science of anatomy.

Anatomy is concerned with the structure of body parts.

258 - Select the incorrect statement about nerve impulse conduction.

The strength of impulses carried along a single nerve fiber can vary with the strength of their stimulus.

259 - Select the statement about red blood cells that is incorrect.

Deoxyhemoglobin carries oxygen.

260 - Select the statement that is true about the spleen.

The spleen filters the blood much the same way the lymph nodes filter the lymph.

261 - Sensory receptors are equally and proportionally distributed throughout the skin.


262 - Several layers of cells reside within epiphyseal disks of developing long bones. Which layer is responsible for anchoring the disk to the bony epiphysis?

resting cells

263 - Several variant forms of a gene for a given trait are called ______________.


264 - Sex hormones are secreted by ________________.

the inner cortex of the adrenal medulla and the gonads

265 - Sex-linked genes are those associated with chromosomes X or Y.


266 - Skin or bone is an example of what level of organization?


267 - Soccer and football players, who often turn and change directions suddenly are most likely to tear which knee ligament?

anterior cruciate ligament

268 - Some synovial joints, such as the knee, contain interior pads of fibrocartilage, called ______________, that help to stabilize the joint.


269 - Someone suffering a heart attack in his anterior lower right ventricle probably had a blockage in which coronary artery?

anterior interventricular artery

270 - Specifically, where are sperm cells formed within the testes?

within the seminiferous tubules

271 - Standing on your toes as in ballet, is an example of:

plantar flexion

272 - Steroids exert their effects by increasing the amount of cAMP in the target cells.


273 - Substances called the _____ are capable of directly inhibiting DNA synthesis.


274 - Syndromes having abnormal numbers of chromosomes are usually related to defective sperm cells.


275 - Taste and smell are sensations stimulated by chemical molecules.


276 - T-cell lymphocytes die if they are not capable of recognizing foreign particles.


277 - Technically speaking, HCl is the correct formula for a strong acid.


278 - Tendons are among the strongest structures in the body and are comprised of dense connective tissue.


279 - The _____ can be considered an extension of the abdominal wall.


280 - The _____ cells are capable of removing a blood clot from the brain.


281 - The _____ is a membrane covering the anterior portion of the eyeball.


282 - The _____ is a system of membranes designed to transport molecules within and out of cells.

endoplasmic reticulum

283 - The _____ is the thick white area of the nail that reflects the rapid growth of the cells below it.


284 - The _____ of the cell has a function directly related to the synthesis of proteins.


285 - The _____ serves as the source of the flagellum in sperm.


286 - The _____ valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle.


287 - The _________ of the cell directs its overall activities as well as houses its genetic material.


288 - The __________ of a cell is the most critical factor in determining its function.


289 - The ___________ is the outermost meninx, and forms supportive and protective partitions between some portions of the brain.

dura mater

290 - The ____________ cartilage(s) mark(s) the lowermost portion of the larynx.


291 - The ____________ system is responsible for transporting fluid and also houses the body's disease-fighting cells.


292 - The _____________ cavity is the portion enclosed by the pelvic bones.


293 - The _____________ has the thickest wall because it pumps blood to the ________________.

left ventricle; systemic circuit

294 - The _____________ layer of the alimentary canal contains loose connective tissue, glands, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves.


295 - The ______________ are an invagination of the muscle cell's sarcolemma.

transverse (T) tubules

296 - The ______________ is the early pre-embryonic stage that implants in the uterine lining.


297 - The ______________ of a typical vertebra projects posteriorly, and is thickest and most blunt in appearance in lumbar vertebrae.

spinous process

298 - The ______________ of the body includes the head, neck, and trunk.

axial portion

299 - The ______________ system includes all the glands that secrete hormones.


300 - The _______________ are the types of neuroglial cells that provide myelin in the central nervous system.


301 - The _______________ suture joins the temporal and parietal bones of the skull.


302 - The _________________ is a portion of the brain that maintains homeostasis by linking activities of the endocrine and nervous systems together.


303 - The ability to sense body position is related to _____ receptors.


304 - The accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in the blood is a condition known as ________________.


305 - The acetyl group is transported to the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) by what carrier?

coenzyme A

306 - The actual receptors for hearing and balance are the _____.

hair cells

307 - The addition of oxygen to a cell during glycolysis will increase the amount of ATP produced by this metabolic pathway.


308 - The American Heart Association recommends that dietary fat should constitute no more than ________ of daily caloric intake.


309 - The antagonist to the triceps brachii is the _____.


310 - The aortic semilunar valve prevents blood from returning to the _____.

left ventricle

311 - The application of multiple stimuli to a muscle is defined as the process called _____.


312 - The area directly superior to the soft palate is the _____.


313 - The area of the brain that integrates proprioceptor data is the:


314 - The auditory canal is part of the _____.

outer ear

315 - The basal metabolic rate (BMR) measures the rate of energy expenditure when _________________.

the body is awake but resting

316 - The base sequence termed the anticodon is found on molecules of _______.


317 - The basic rhythm of breathing is controlled by which portion of the brain?

dorsal respiratory group of the medullary rhythmicity center

318 - The biceps femoris is one hamstring muscle located on the back of the thigh. Which muscle is the other hamstring?


319 - The bicuspid valve __________________.

is located on the left side of the heart

320 - The bursa located between the patella of the knee and the overlying skin is called the ____________ bursa.


321 - The carbohydrate _____is critical for the function of genes.


322 - The cell body of all sensory neurons is located within the:

dorsal root ganglion

323 - The cells in the epidermis are only comprised of stratified squamous epithelial cells.


324 - The cells lining blood vessels and the lung alveoli are classed as _____ epithelium.


325 - The cells that conduct messages towards the brain are the:

sensory neurons

326 - The cells that directly and specifically secrete mucus are called _____ cells.


327 - The cells that tear down and remodel bone are the ________________.


328 - The central cardiac control region is in the _____ of the brain.

medulla oblongata

329 - The cerebral cortex functions in sensation and the perception of those sensations.


330 - The cerebral hemispheres are connected by the _____.

corpus callosum

331 - The chamber that actually houses the hearing receptors is the __________________.

cochlear duct

332 - The chin can be described as being on the _____ surface of the skull.


333 - The color of feces is likely to be directly related to hemoglobin metabolism.


334 - The concentrations of substances in the plasma, in the glomerular filtrate, and in urine differ in what way?

Plasma and glomerular filtrate are virtually identical, but urine contains proportionately more waste products.

335 - The connection between the third and fourth ventricle is called the _____.

cerebral aqueduct

336 - The connective tissue closest to the single neuron is the:


337 - The cristae are structures found within the _____ organelle.


338 - The crossbridges involved in muscle contraction are located on the ________________.

myosin myofilaments

339 - The detection of the hormone _______________ is the basis of pregnancy tests.

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

340 - The digestive system functions to provide cells with proper amounts of proteins, carbohydrate or fats.


341 - The disintegration of chromosomes during meiosis is called nondisjunction.


342 - The electrical initiation of a heartbeat begins in the _____ chamber wall.

right atrium

343 - The element _____is an essential part of proteins.


344 - The embryonic hindbrain gives rise to what structures in the brain?

cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata

345 - The endocrine gland responsible for the body's circadian rhythm is the ______________ gland.


346 - The enzyme acetylcholinesterase acts to inhibit the stimulation between neurons.


347 - The enzyme salivary amylase begins to digest which molecules?


348 - The epidermal ridges or fingerprints are probably caused by the _____.

dermal papillae

349 - The epididymis is a coiled tubule in the testes that stores sperm cells.


350 - The essential amino acids are the 20 that must be supplied in the diet.


351 - The exchange of gases between the blood and the cells of the body is called _________________.

internal respiration

352 - The expression "oxygen debt" refers to the lack of sufficient oxygen and lactic acid for contraction.


353 - The fact that a woman cannot generally grow a beard is because beard growth is a(n) ________________ trait.


354 - The femur inserts into the pelvic girdle at the ____________________.


355 - The final branches of the interlobular arteries give rise to the _________________ that carry blood to the nephrons.

afferent arterioles

356 - The first heart sound is caused by closure of the _____ valves.


357 - The first several steps of glycolysis are considered the energy-investment steps because ______________.

energy from ATP is transferred to intermediates along the pathway to drive the reactions

358 - The first step in the utilization of proteins for energy is ________which occurs in the liver.


359 - The following statements all regard reflexes. Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Reflexes involve at least three neurons and all arc through the spinal cord.

360 - The force of exhalation is primarily due to _____________________.

elastic recoil of thoracic muscles

361 - The functions of the skin include all of these except __________________.

taking in nutrients

362 - The gastrointestinal tract is lined internally mainly with stratified cuboidal cells.


363 - The Golgi apparatus plays a direct role in producing the complete cell membrane.


364 - The granular appearance of the renal cortex is due to ________________.

the random distribution of nephrons in this area

365 - The head is considered to be a cephalic area within the axial division of the body.


366 - The heart muscle will still contract even if removed from the body.


367 - The hormone _____ causes the contractions of labor.


368 - The hormone _______________, which is secreted by the adrenal _______________, causes the kidney to conserve sodium and excrete potassium ions and indirectly helps to maintain systemic blood pressure.

aldosterone; cortex

369 - The hormone aldosterone regulates the concentrations of _____________ and ______________ in the body.

potassium ions and sodium ions

370 - The human liver is primarily located in the _____________________.

right upper quadrant of the abdominal area

371 - The imbalance known as ____________ can be caused by certain diuretic medications.


372 - The inability of the left ventricle to pump blood adequately to the body's cells is indicative of ________________.

congestive heart failure

373 - The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will become the extraembryonic membranes and part of placenta.


374 - The inner surface of the eyelids are lined with ______________.


375 - The internal urethral sphincter is totally under parasympathetic, autonomic control.


376 - The junction between the diaphysis and epiphysis is called the _____.

epiphyseal disk

377 - The kidney tubules are lined with _____ epithelial cells.


378 - The largest cells in the blood that leave the bloodstream to become macrophages are the _______________.


379 - The last in the cardiac conduction sequence is the _____.

Purkinje fibers

380 - The last pair of 23 chromosomes is referred to as the _____.

sex chromosomes

381 - The layer of connective tissue that separates the muscle tissue into small sections is called the ______________.


382 - The layer of the heart that forms a smooth, protective lining of the heart chambers and valves is the _______________.


383 - The levels of which neurotransmitter are affected by the mood-elevator, cocaine?


384 - The lining of the vagina is covered with _____ cells.

stratified squamous

385 - The lipoprotein known as _____________ reduces surface tension within the alveoli so they do not collapse during exhalation.


386 - The liquid portion of blood is referred to as _____.


387 - The lower arm is _____________ to the stomach area, while the head is ________________ to the stomach.

lateral; superior

388 - The lungs are covered by a membrane called the _______________.

visceral pleura

389 - The lungs contain a ciliated mucous lining that helps remove foreign particles from them.


390 - The lymphatic system can either cause or cure a cancer.


391 - The lymphatic trunk that drains the upper limb is the _______________.

subclavian trunk

392 - The lymphatic vessels function to transport fats and proteins from the intestinal villi to the blood.


393 - The lysosomes within a cell contain hydrolytic enzymes capable of digesting particles within the cells.


394 - The main part of the stomach is the _______________ of the stomach.


395 - The major muscle lining the cheek is the _____.


396 - The maximum amount of air a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible is the _________________.

vital capacity

397 - The medullary cavity by the diaphysis of an adult bone would contain _____.

yellow bone marrow

398 - The membranes that surround the skull attach to the crista galli, found on the ________________ bone of the skull.


399 - The molecule that an enzymes reacts with is called its _____.


400 - The most common neurotransmitter in the body is _____.



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