Human Anatomy Most Important MCQs: Set#. 3

401 - The most essential vitamin required to allow carbon to enter the citric acid cycle is ____.

pantothenic acid

402 - The most important blood buffer is albumin.


403 - The most numerous and main cell in the inflammatory response is the _____.


404 - The most serious consequence of potassium imbalances is _____.

cardiac abnormalities

405 - The movement of particles from an area of higher to lower concentration is called _____.


406 - The muscle that enables you to elevate and adduct your scapula is the ____________.

rhomboideus major

407 - The myelin sheath around a neuron is actually produced by the:

Schwann cell

408 - The nodes of Ranvier function in slowing the conduction of the impulse.


409 - The normal chromosome number is referred to as _____________.


410 - The nucleus of a neuron is always located within the cell body region.


411 - The occipital area is the region on the back of the skull.


412 - The olfactory cells have microvilli that enable them to respond to chemical stimuli.


413 - The oligodendrocytes are capable of producing the myelin sheath that will wrap around a spinal nerve.


414 - The only structures that allow gas diffusion across them are the _____.


415 - The only tissue specialized for movement is the _____ tissue.


416 - The organelle termed the _____ produces the microtubules important in cell division.


417 - The organs of static equilibrium are located within the ______________ and employ shifting ___________ to set up nerve impulses.

vestibule; otoliths

418 - The outer covering of each bone, made from fibrous connective tissue, is called the ________________.


419 - The outer layer of the intestines is the ____


420 - The outer layer of the skin is composed of ______________________.

stratified squamous epithelium

421 - The outermost structure of a kidney is the _____.


422 - The ovarian follicle cells will develop into the oocytes each month.


423 - The pancreas secretes enzymes that enter the small intestine and chemically digest chyme. Choose the enzyme(s) that break(s) down fats.

pancreatic lipase

424 - The papillae on the tongue respond to sweet, sour, salt and bitter stimuli.


425 - The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is characterized by each of these except which one?

Preganglionic fibers arise from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord.

426 - The part of the bone that the articular cartilage covers directly is the _____.


427 - The part of the hair below the surface of the skin is called the _____.


428 - The pectoral girdle is made up of the clavicle and the ________________.


429 - The period immediately after birth to four weeks of age is called the _______________ period.


430 - The placenta is comprised of maternal and fetal portions.


431 - The portion of a tooth below the gums is the _____.


432 - The portion of the brain involved in understanding speech and using words is located in the ____________ of the cerebrum.

parietal lobe

433 - The portion of the placenta contributed by the embryo is the ______________.


434 - The portion(s) of the tongue that actually perceives taste is/are the _____________.

taste hairs

435 - The precursor of all lines of blood cells is the _______________.


436 - The presence of sodium in the blood can be detected by the osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus.


437 - The primary force responsible for air moving into the lungs during inhalation is _________________.

atmospheric pressure

438 - The primary purpose of stratification, or layering, in epithelial tissue is for increased _____________.


439 - The process of copying DNA to be used in protein synthesis is called __________ and occurs ______________.

Transcription; in the nucleus

440 - The production of mRNA from a DNA template is termed _____.


441 - The prominent portions of the cheeks are made up of the _________________ bones.


442 - The protective dead layer of cells of the outer epidermis is called the _______________.

stratum corneum

443 - The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents a back-flow of blood into the _____.

right ventricle

444 - The purpose of synovial fluid is to provide for firmness and stability in a amphiarthrotic joint.


445 - The purpose of the hydrogen carriers, NADH and FADH2, is to create______________.

transfer iron to the cytochromes

446 - The purpose of the soft palate is to __________________.

close off the nasal cavity during swallowing

447 - The pyloric sphincter acts to prevent food from leaving the small intestine.


448 - The pyramids are areas located within the _____ of the kidney.


449 - The reaction NaCl

synthesis reaction

450 - The region on the retina that produces the sharpest vision is called the _______________.

fovea centralis

451 - The respiratory membrane is comprised of the two layers of the alveoli.


452 - The respiratory membrane, across which gases diffuse, is very thin and is made up of _______________.

alveolar cell membrane, capillary membrane, and fused basement membranes

453 - The right and left sides of the heart are separated by the interventricular septum.


454 - The segment of a myofibril that is called a sarcomere runs from _______________.

one Z line to the next Z line

455 - The selective permeability of a cell membrane functions under active transport mechanisms.


456 - The shoulder joint contains several bursae. The _______________ bursa is located between the joint capsule and the tendon of the subscapularis muscle.


457 - The skeletal system plays key roles in the function of the circulatory system and immunity.


458 - The skin can be considered an organ as well as a system.


459 - The smallest pair of cranial nerves that arise from the midbrain and carry motor impulses to the superior oblique muscles of the eye are the ______________ nerves.


460 - The smallest unit of matter is the _____.


461 - The smooth muscle within the vocal cords allows them to change their tension for vocalization.


462 - The so-called wisdom teeth are actually the four last molars.


463 - The soft spots on a newborn skull are called fontanels and are comprised of cartilage.


464 - The space between the two lungs is called the _____.


465 - The steps of glycolysis occur in the ________________, the transition reaction occurs in the _________________, and the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) is carried out in the _________________ of the cell.

cytosol; mitochondrion; mitochondrion

466 - The strength of the dermis would mainly be due to _____.

the presence of collagen fibers

467 - The structure which implants in the endometrium is correctly termed a _____.


468 - The structure which receives the filtrate from the glomerulus is the _____.

Bowman capsule

469 - The subcutaneous region has adipose cells that help insulate the body from heat as well as cold.


470 - The surface area of the stomach is enhanced by the presence of folds called _____.


471 - The symbol Na+ is used to describe a sodium _____.


472 - The T wave of an electrocardiogram represents which event?

ventricular repolarization

473 - The taste buds on the tongue enable a person to perceive the taste of various foods such as the garlic in lasagna.


474 - The term _____ can be used to imply all of the chemical reactions within a cell.


475 - The term _____ refers to the constant state of contraction of a certain number of fibers within a muscle.


476 - The term _____ refers to the fact that a tissue has only one layer of cells.


477 - The term _____is used to describe the extra synovial-type membrane outside the knee joint.

prepatellar bursa

478 - The term goose bumps is directly related to which structures?

arrector pili

479 - The term gray matter is used to describe the appearance of myelinated nerves.


480 - The term muscle fiber is synonymous with a group of muscle cells.


481 - The term that means the opposite of central is deep.


482 - The term visceral refers to structures on the skin surface.


483 - The testes in the male and ovaries in the female can both be found in the pelvic cavity of an early fetus.


484 - The thoracic duct empties directly into the _____ vein.

left subclavian

485 - The three most important buffer systems in body fluids include the bicarbonate buffer system, the ______________ buffer system, and the protein buffer system.


486 - The thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating metabolic rate and calcium and phosphate ion concentration in the blood. Which thyroid hormone lowers calcium and phosphate ion concentration in the blood?


487 - The trace element _____________ is necessary for wound healing, and a deficiency of it results in depressed immunity.


488 - The trachea contains rings of cartilage that surround the windpipe to keep it rigid.


489 - The triangle shaped muscle which antagonizes the sternocleidomastoid is the _____.


490 - The true vocal cords are those that produce the sounds of the human voice. Where are these located?

inferior to the false vocal cords

491 - The tubular transport system that moves molecules throughout the cell is/are the _______________.

endoplasmic reticulum

492 - The type of anemia that is fairly common and caused by insufficient dietary iron is ______________.

iron deficiency anemia

493 - The type of cartilage found in intervertebral disks of the spinal column is ________________.


494 - The type of lipid responsible for forming the basic bilayer structure of a cell membrane is a _________________ molecule.


495 - The type of muscle found in the irises of the eyes and in the blood vessels is called _______________.

multiunit smooth muscle

496 - The type of proteins that guide cells on the move in the bloodstream to their destination at a wound site are _____________.

cell adhesion molecules

497 - The type of white blood cell that is often the first to arrive at the site of infection is a granulocyte, and the member of this group that stains light purple is a _______________.


498 - The ureter directly receives urine from the _____ of the kidney.


499 - The uterine tubes are lined with ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells which help propel the ovum.


500 - The vas deferens connects to the urethra at the base of the penis.


501 - The vertebral bodies are joined by a diarthrotic joint.


502 - The vital centers are located within the _____ area of the brain.


503 - The walls of lymphatic vessels are similar to those of cardiovascular _____________.


504 - The yellowish color of some persons skin is due to _____.


505 - There are about one million nephrons in each kidney.


506 - There are several types of cells in the anterior pituitary. Which ones secrete growth hormone?


507 - There are usually no blood vessels in the epidermis.


508 - Thin-walled outpouchings of the alveolar ducts of the lungs are the ___________________.

alveolar sacs

509 - This is probably the greatest source of H+?

carbon dioxide

510 - Thymosin is an enzyme required to stimulate T-cell production in the spleen.


511 - Traits that are controlled by one or more genes and influenced by the environment are said to be _________________.


512 - Tubular reabsorption is responsible for retaining nutrients the body requires. Most tubular reabsorption occurs in the _______________ where microvilli, and their numerous carrier proteins, increase the surface area available for reabsorption.

proximal convoluted tubule

513 - Unlike the other major membranes of the body, _______________ membranes lack an epithelial layer.


514 - Uterine contractions appear to stimulate the release of ____________ in the newborn infant.


515 - Vaccines generally confer what type of immunity?

artificially acquired active immunity

516 - Vegetables are a good source of the vitamin A required for vision.


517 - Vesicles differ from vacuoles in that vesicles are usually produced for the purpose of causing something to leave the cell.


518 - Water tends to dissociate, forming ions; which pH value indicates that the [H+] equals the [OH-]?


519 - What are the direct end products of the Citric Acid Cycle?

carbon dioxide and water

520 - What are the final end products of the electron transport chain?

ATP and water

521 - What are the most powerful stimuli for breathing?

low pH; high CO2

522 - What are the two major factors that regulate the movement of water and electrolytes from one fluid compartment to the next?

hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure

523 - What does an ovulated oocyte first come into contact with?


524 - What does the electrocardiogram (ECG) QRS wave indicate is happening in the heart?

The ventricles are depolarizing while the atria repolarize.

525 - What does the pancreatic duct directly join to?


526 - What function do fibroblasts serve in connective tissue?

secrete proteins that become fibers in the connective tissue matrix

527 - What hormone does the small intestine release in response to acidic chyme?


528 - What initiates the swallowing reflex?

sensory receptors detecting the bolus in the pharynx

529 - What is a major cause of death in less-developed countries?


530 - What is an example of a codominant trait in humans?

ABO blood groups

531 - What is not a typical congenital rubella defect?

liver disease

532 - What is one important function for melanin?

absorb harmful radiation

533 - What is the Adam's apple directly part of?

thyroid cartilage

534 - What is the average white blood cell count?

10,000 per mm3

535 - What is the biological definition of human adulthood?

adolescence to old age

536 - What is the combination of the five carbon sugar and the nitrogenous base called in ATP?


537 - What is the first structure in this respiratory sequence?


538 - What is the last region of a typical reflex arc?

ventral root

539 - What is the last stage in the repair of a fracture?

bony callus

540 - What is the main factor that causes urine to enter the kidneys?


541 - What is the main factor that promotes bladder infections in the female?

length of urethra

542 - What is the major distinguishing factor that separates the embryonic stage from the fetal stage?

All major organ systems form during the embryonic stage; the fetal stage consists mainly of rapid growth.

543 - What is the medical term for male pattern baldness?

androgenic alopecia

544 - What is the most common chromosomal disorder in this group?

trisomy 21

545 - What is the most effective intracellular buffer?


546 - What is the most significant plasma buffer?


547 - What is the most significant source of estrogens in a eight month fetus?

corpus luteum

548 - What is the normal pH of the blood?


549 - What is the opening to the larynx called?


550 - What is the origin of red blood cells?

yolk sac

551 - What is the primary function of the large intestine?

to compact, store, and eliminate feces

552 - What is the primary purpose of the liver in aiding digestion?

produces bile to emulsify fats in the small intestine

553 - What is the purpose of polar bodies during oogenesis?

Polar bodies serve both as a dumping ground for extra sets of chromosomes and ensure that the ovum will have most of the cytoplasm.

554 - What is the role of the thymus in protecting the body against disease?

It is the site of maturation of T lymphocytes and the production of thymosin.

555 - What is the smallest level of organization considered to be living?


556 - What is the source of female sex steroids?


557 - What is the source of the male androgen testosterone?

interstitial cells

558 - What is the sum of the neutrons plus protons equal to?

atomic weight

559 - What is the term for a condition of widespread edema?


560 - What is the term for the primary human sex organs?


561 - What is the Turner's syndrome chromosome pattern?


562 - What kind of peripheral nerve fiber carries motor impulses outward to smooth muscles and glands of internal organs?

general visceral efferent fibers

563 - What mouth part helps to mix food with saliva, moves food toward the pharynx for swallowing, and houses taste receptor cells?


564 - What movement occurs when clenching the teeth?


565 - What normally holds the intestines in position within the abdominal cavity?


566 - What normally prevents the expulsion of an embryo by a menstrual flow?


567 - What occurs during the citric acid cycle?

Carbon dioxide and hydrogen atoms are released, and two molecules of ATP form.

568 - What of the following is not likely to cause acidosis?


569 - What portion of the sperm cell contains the twenty-three chromosomes?


570 - What seems to be the cause of juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)?

Immune cells attack the pancreas that can then no longer produce insulin.

571 - What traits characterize antigens?

Antigens may be proteins, polysaccharides, glycolipids, or glycoproteins that stimulate an immune response.

572 - What trigger signals the brain to increase the output of ADH for water conservation?

osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect the increase in osmotic pressure of body fluids and signal the posterior pituitary to release ADH

573 - What type of epithelium lines the urinary bladder and is capable of distention?

transitional epithelium

574 - What type of inheritance is present in a person who has blue eyes and received a blue-eyed gene from each parent?


575 - What type of joint is the sagittal suture?


576 - What type of somatic receptor lies within tendons close to the point of attachment to muscles and is stimulated by increased muscular tension?

Golgi tendon organ

577 - What type of tissue holds most organs together?

loose connective

578 - What type of tissue is found on the surface of the ovaries?

simple cuboidal

579 - When a nervous impulse travels from a neuron to a muscle cell, what happens next?

The impulse travels over the sarcolemma in all directions.

580 - When a neuron is resting, the outside has more potassium ions than the inside.


581 - When a neuron reaches action potential, it depolarizes and repolarizes in an amount of time on the order of ________________.


582 - When a person thinks and solves problems, which area of the cerebrum is involved?

frontal lobe

583 - When an atrium is in systole the ventricle is in diastole.


584 - When can the term fetus be correctly used?

when body systems become completed

585 - When do the A-V valves close during the cardiac cycle?

when ventricular pressure exceeds that of the atria

586 - When does bone start to replace cartilage?

second month

587 - When is a developing individual most susceptible to genetic birth defects from smoking?

first trimester

588 - When is it first possible to distinguish the sex of a fetus?

fourth month

589 - When red blood cells are worn out, part of their components are recycled while others are disposed. Select the incorrect statement about destruction of red blood cells.

The greenish pigment, biliverdin, is recycled to the bone marrow.

590 - When sodium reacts with chloride usually a covalent bond is formed.


591 - When swallowing, the soft palate would have to move downward in order to prevent food from entering the lungs.


592 - Whenever a partially charged hydrogen comes near a partially charged oxygen on another atom, a _____ bond is formed.


593 - Where are B lymphocytes believed to mature in adult humans?

bone marrow

594 - Where are the lacteals located?

small intestine

595 - Where are the palatine tonsils located?


596 - Where are the pharyngeal tonsils located?


597 - Where are the posterior pituitary hormones manufactured?

in neurosecretory cells that originate in the hypothalamus

598 - Where are visual and auditory reflexes centered?


599 - Where does most secretion of substances out of the blood occur?

distal convoluted tubule

600 - Where does most selective reabsorption occur?

proximal convoluted tubule


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