Human Anatomy Most Important MCQs: Set#. 4

601 - Where does the greatest amount of digestion occur?

small intestine

602 - Where in the body would it be possible to find a joint called a symphysis?

joint formed by two vertebrae and their intervertebral disk

603 - Where would Peyer's patches be found?

small intestine

604 - Where would the least amount of bacteria be found?


605 - Where would the ligamentum capitis be found?

acetabulum and femur

606 - Whether oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood or not is dependent upon _______________.

the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs and in the blood

607 - Which are the largest of the white blood cells?


608 - Which area is not drained by the thoracic duct?

right arm

609 - Which artery supplies blood to the ilium and muscles of the lower back?

iliolumbar artery

610 - Which blood cell can be described as being a biconcave disc?


611 - Which body compartment contains the greatest relative amount of water?


612 - Which bone contains the foramen magnum?


613 - Which bones do not belong to the axial skeleton?

hip bone

614 - Which bones would contain significant amounts of red bone marrow in an adult?


615 - Which brain area acts to regulate body temperature?


616 - Which brain area acts to screen all incoming sensory data?


617 - Which brain area coordinates skeletal muscle movements?


618 - Which carbohydrate can be found in a steak?


619 - Which cells are the earliest in the male sequence of meiosis?


620 - Which cells of the body, under normal circumstances, must have energy in the form of glucose in order to survive?


621 - Which chemicals on the surface of cells function to attach to and recognize hormones?


622 - Which chromosome pattern indicates a male with poor sexual development?


623 - Which chromosomes indicate a normal male fetus?


624 - Which clotting factor is released from damaged tissue, and initiates a chain of clotting events?

tissue thromboplastin

625 - Which cranial nerve does not innervate eye muscles?


626 - Which description of muscle contraction means that all of the fibers within a muscle are fully contracted?


627 - Which dietary component(s) is/are needed for DNA synthesis, and thus greatly influence the production of red blood cells?

vitamin B12 and folic acid

628 - Which element has the nuclear configuration of 12/6?


629 - Which extraembryonic membrane is closest to the embryo?


630 - Which extrinsic eye muscle rotates the eyes clockwise?

superior oblique

631 - Which factor does not affect glomerular filtration rate?

concentration of leukocytes in the blood

632 - Which factor favors spermatozoa development?

temperature of 34°C

633 - Which feature is not a characteristic of the cell membrane?

It is made up of a phospholipid monolayer.

634 - Which field, when compared to the others, tends to rely more on experimentation to find new answers?


635 - Which force favors filtration?

glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure

636 - Which gland is closest to the joint between the mandible and temporal bone?


637 - Which gland lies at the inferior base of the urinary bladder?


638 - Which hormone causes excessive skeletal growth or giantism?


639 - Which hormone directly affects blood pressure?


640 - Which hormone has the greatest effect on metabolism?


641 - Which hormone has the greatest influence on the ability to secrete milk?


642 - Which hormone prevents a second pregnancy during gestation?


643 - Which is not a function of the hypothalamus?

secrete FSH

644 - Which is not a property of the red pulp within the spleen?

produces lymphocytes

645 - Which is the first system to become visibly most completely differentiated?


646 - Which is the last structure to vibrate in this sequence?

oval window

647 - Which items should not be grouped together?

spinal cord

648 - Which joint is naturally loose and flexible and most likely to become dislocated?

shoulder joint

649 - Which layer of the heart or pericardium serves the dual purpose of lining the pericardium and forming the outermost wall of the heart?

visceral pericardium (epicardium)

650 - Which layer of the uterus is shed once monthly during menstruation?

the endometrium

651 - Which lymph nodes could not be palpated with the fingers?


652 - Which lymphatic area is larger in a child than an adult?


653 - Which major mineral makes a major contribution to the solute concentration of extracellular fluids?


654 - Which male accessory gland lies inferior to the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra like a donut?

prostate gland

655 - Which membrane is closest to the heart muscle?

visceral pericardium

656 - Which membrane plays the greatest role in nutrient and wastes exchanges?


657 - Which molecule represents the storage form of glucose in the liver?


658 - Which muscle enables you to pucker your lips for a kiss?

orbicularis oris

659 - Which muscle is the strongest flexor of the elbow?


660 - Which muscle moves the eye towards the midline?

medial rectus

661 - Which muscle tissue is multinucleate, voluntary, and bears striations?

skeletal muscle

662 - Which of the following cannot be hydrolysed to glucose in humans?


663 - Which of the following directly defines the transportation of oxygen?


664 - Which of the following does not belong with others?


665 - Which of the following does not belong with others?


666 - Which of the following does not belong with the others?


667 - Which of the following does not belong with the others?


668 - Which of the following does not occur as a result of a shift in the acid- base balance of the body?

an increase in metabolic efficiency within the cells

669 - Which of the following fetuses will not survive?


670 - Which of the following includes the other terms?


671 - Which of the following is an example of a catabolic reaction?

hydrolysis of proteins

672 - Which of the following is most common?

Klinefelter syndrome

673 - Which of the following is not a compatible base pairing in DNA?


674 - Which of the following is not as abundant as the others in living cells?


675 - Which of the following is not one of the four major tissues?

skeletal muscle

676 - Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

organ system

677 - Which of the following is the most toxic?


678 - Which of the following is the type of joint located between the trapezium and metatarsal of the thumb?


679 - Which of the following joints displays the greatest range of motion allowable?

acetabulum and femur

680 - Which of the following means the same as frontal?


681 - Which of the following means the same as lower back?


682 - Which of the following molecules is not generally produced by T cells and macrophages?

tissue thromboplastin

683 - Which of the following pairs of terms is not correct?

costal, abdomen

684 - Which of the following terms cannot be properly paired?

nasal, buccal

685 - Which of the following terms incudes all of the others?


686 - Which of the following terms means the same as ventral in humans?


687 - Which of these bones has a prominent spine?


688 - Which of these carbohydrates is not a good source of energy?


689 - Which of these cell types should not be grouped with the others?


690 - Which of these cells does not belong with the others?


691 - Which of these conditions leads to a severe, life- threatening water loss?

Diabetes insipidus

692 - Which of these does not belong with the others?


693 - Which of these does not belong with the others?


694 - Which of these does not contribute to genetic variability?

having children with a close relative

695 - Which of these does not directly promote the hydrolysis of food?


696 - Which of these does not directly stimulate the gonads?


697 - Which of these factors is not necessary for normal bone growth and development?

high fat diet

698 - Which of these functions cannot be attributed to the mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity?

initial gas exchange between air and blood occurs here

699 - Which of these hormones is made by the posterior pituitary?


700 - Which of these is a disaccharide?


701 - Which of these is comprised of fibrocartilage?

glenoidal labrum

702 - Which of these is considered a secondary defense against changes in pH?

renal excretion of hydrogen ions

703 - Which of these is not a common consequence of vomiting?

respiratory alkalosis

704 - Which of these is not a connective tissue?


705 - Which of these is not a function of lymph nodes?

produce red blood cells

706 - Which of these is not a function of the kidneys?

The kidneys deactivate vitamin D and stimulated the activity of osteoclasts.

707 - Which of these is not a method the body uses to regulate its hormonal releases?

degradation of the endocrine gland

708 - Which of these is not a nonspecific defense against disease.

hair color and texture

709 - Which of these is not a non-specific defense mechanism?


710 - Which of these is not an endocrine gland?

salivary gland

711 - Which of these is not an endocrine property?

rapid acting effects

712 - Which of these is not one of the ways the body uses dietary protein?

to synthesize bile

713 - Which of these is the correct formula for a strong base?


714 - Which of these is the hormonally active form of vitamin D?


715 - Which of these is the last in the tear flow sequence?

nasolacrimal duct

716 - Which of these is true when a neuron is at rest?

the outside is positive

717 - Which of these ligaments is not found in the shoulder joint?

radial collateral ligament

718 - Which of these molecular formulas represents both a molecule and a compound?


719 - Which of these nuclei is not located entirely within the medulla oblongata?

reticular formation

720 - Which of these phrases does not characterize the dermis?

thinner in areas receiving greater friction and use

721 - Which of these skull bones does not contain paranasal sinuses?


722 - Which of these statements about the sense of smell is not true?

Olfactory receptors do not adapt quickly.

723 - Which of these statements is correct regarding muscle contraction?

The crossbridges bind to the actin and shorten the sarcomeres.

724 - Which of these statements is not true about intramembranous bones?

They begin with a cartilage model.

725 - Which of these substances is/are not teratogenic?

most water-soluble vitamins

726 - Which of these terms includes all the other terms?

synovial joint

727 - Which of these traits does not characterize the knee joint?

thick joint capsule

728 - Which of these values would be the smallest?

metabolic water

729 - Which of these would not be found in lymph fluid?


730 - Which one of the following traits is not a characteristic of life shared by all organisms?


731 - Which one of these anterior pituitary hormones shows increased secretion in response to stress?

adrenocorticotropic hormone

732 - Which pair of cranial nerves are mixed nerves that supply the chest and abdomen with autonomic nerves?

vagus nerves

733 - Which part of the respiratory tree has the greatest relative percentage of smooth muscle fibers?


734 - Which passageway serves as a common route for food or air?


735 - Which plasma proteins help transport lipids in the bloodstream?

alpha and beta globulins

736 - Which principle normally prevents the alveoli from collapsing during expiration?

secretion of surfactant

737 - Which reaction must occur before a triglyceride is to be used for energy?


738 - Which salivary glands produce the most viscous saliva with lots of mucus?

sublingual glands

739 - Which sexually transmitted disease is also associated with pelvic inflammatory disease and sterility in females?

chlamydia infection

740 - Which sinus inflammation in the skull could most commonly lead to deafness?

mastoid sinus

741 - Which sinuses are not paranasal sinuses?


742 - Which skull bones are not part of the cranium?


743 - Which sperm structure contains enzymes that help penetrate ova?


744 - Which statement is not true about catabolic processes?

Dehydration synthesis is involved in catabolic processes.

745 - Which statement is true about tans and tanning?

A tan indicates sun damage to the skin.

746 - Which structure contains the lowest amount of oxygen?

vena cava

747 - Which structure diverts some blood away from the lungs and into the systemic circulation?

ductus arteriosus

748 - Which structure does the appendix come off of?

ascending colon

749 - Which structure is formed following ovulation?

corpus luteum

750 - Which structure is last in the sequence of urine flow?


751 - Which structure is not found within the spermatic cord?


752 - Which structures play the greatest role in warming and humidifying air?


753 - Which structures would not be innervated by the sympathetic nervous system?

skeletal muscle

754 - Which system functions in the excretion of soluble nitrogenous wastes?


755 - Which term does not belong with the others?


756 - Which term does not belong with the others?

stratum corneum

757 - Which term does not belong with the others?

spinal nerve

758 - Which term does not belong with the others?


759 - Which term is the smallest subdivision in this group?


760 - Which term is used to define a complete dislocation of a joint?


761 - Which term refers to the back of the knee?


762 - Which term should be last in this reflex sequence?


763 - Which term would be used to describe the synthesis of a cellular protein?


764 - Which tract would be most likely to carry sensory impulses from the skin and joints to the brain?

fasciculus gracilis

765 - Which type of bone fracture occurs as an incomplete break in the bone?


766 - Which type of condition is directly related to bone marrow suppression?

aplastic anemia

767 - Which type of fracture breaks the bone into several fragments?


768 - Which type of immunoglobulin molecule is passed on to nursing infants in breast milk?


769 - Which type of joint is the most mobile? The shoulder and hip are two examples of this type of joint.

ball-and-socket joint

770 - Which type of joint occurs at the radial notch of the ulna and the head of the radius?


771 - Which type of neuroglial cells help regulate the composition of cerebrospinal fluid?


772 - Which types of genetic control normally holds mitosis in check?

tumor suppressor genes

773 - Which types of neurons are likely to increase muscular activities?

accelerator neurons

774 - Which vessel directs blood into the glomerulus?

afferent arteriole

775 - Which vessel transports blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the fetus?

umbilical vein

776 - Which vitamin is fat-soluble and has carotene as its precursor?

vitamin A

777 - Which vitamin is mainly formed by Escherichia coli?


778 - Which white blood cell is not phagocytic?


779 - Why can cardiac muscle fibers contract for longer periods than skeletal muscle fibers?

Extracellular calcium partially controls the strength (and length) of contraction.

780 - Why do odors sometimes alter our moods?

Because sensory input from olfaction is routed through the limbic system.

781 - Why do tissues swell during inflammation?

Tissues swell during inflammation because the increased permeability of capillaries causes fluids to accumulate in the area.

782 - Why is the plant compound known as inulin the best substance to use to measure renal clearance?

Inulin is neither reabsorbed or actively secreted into the filtrate.

783 - Within nails, the most rapidly dividing cells can be found in the __________________.


784 - Within the blood, oxygen is primarily transported __________________ while the bulk of carbon dioxide is transported _________________.

as oxyhemoglobin; as bicarbonate ions

785 - Within the bronchial tree, which tubes are small branches that enter the lobules of the lungs?

intralobular bronchioles

786 - Within the female ovary, primordial follicles begin their development ________________.

during prenatal development

787 - Within the fetus, much of the circulating blood bypasses the lungs and flows through the ______________.

ductus arteriosus

788 - Within the renal tubule, two hormones play a role in determining the final volume and sodium concentration of the urine. The hormone _______________ regulates sodium reabsorption, while ________________ regulates water reabsorption.

aldosterone; antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

789 - Within the skin, a basement membrane can be found separating the ________________ and the __________________.

epidermis; dermis

790 - Within which extraembryonic membrane are blood cells formed in the early stages of development?

yolk sac


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