Journalism Most Important MCQs: Set#. 1

1 - _____ Domestic rules in individual newspapers governing type faces, layout styles, peculiarities of spelling and punctuation etc.

House Style

2 - ______ Feature or news material with high emotional or dramatic appeal.

Human Interest

3 - ______ Heading, label or caption placed over news, columns, articles etc.


4 - ______ mean style of news-writing starting with most important facts first and following paragraphs containing information in descending order of interest.

Inverted Pyramid

5 - ______ means a box into which discarded type is thrown.


6 - ______ means an editorial article of a newspaper.


7 - ______ means false and malicious defamation, includes type, pictures, cartoons, drawings.


8 - ______ means first linecaster machine which casts relief type in lines instead of an individual characters.


9 - ______ means spacing between words of a line so as to fill a column or spacing between lines or paragraphs of a column to fill up a column.


10 - ______ means the introduction to a story, introductory paragraph.


11 - ______ means the process of assembling a page or the art of putting effectively and artistically matter on the pages.


12 - ______ means to discard all or part of a story:


13 - ______ News items with explanation, background, interpretation.


14 - _______ means the main story in a newspaper or the first paragraph in a news story giving the main facts.


15 - _______ means writing with stone. Printing method that uses repulsion between ink and water to transfer image from stone surface to paper. Modern development, offset, uses metal plates prepared photographically instead of manually as in lithography, which


16 - _______ means, matter printed at the top of the editorial column, stating the title, publisher, place of publication, moto of the paper and so on.


17 - 24 hour business news channel with hourly updates from the Karachi stock Exchange is:

Business Plus

18 - A brief introduction of a photograph is called:


19 - A friend nodes in agreement at something you've said. This is an example of:

Feedback in interpersonal communication

20 - A journalist who is not attached with any newspaper is called:

Free Lancer

21 - A monthly medical journal started from Lahore was:


22 - A monthly medical journal started from Lahore was:


23 - A monthly medical journal started from Lahore was:


24 - A monthly religious magazine started from Sialkot was:


25 - A monthly religious magazine started from Sialkot was:


26 - A monthly religious magazine started from Sialkot was:


27 - A paradigm is:

A theory that summarizes and is consistent with all known facts.

28 - A parity product is one that:

Is essentially the same as others in its product brand category

29 - A person (or group) who has control over what information is disseminated to the audience is known as:


30 - A Printing Press was established in Madras in:


31 - A pseudoevent is:

An event staged specifically to attract public attention

32 - A radiation system refers to:

Sending radio signals through the air

33 - A sheet containing facts and detailed information on any issue is known as:


34 - A story appearing with the name of the writer is called:

By line

35 - A story appearing with the name of the writer is called:

By Line

36 - A subsidiary of Pakistan Herald Publication Limited (PHPL):

Aaj TV

37 - A typical soundtrack which identifies a program is known as:

Signature tune

38 - AAG TV launched in:

September. 2006

39 - AASI' is the news agency of:


40 - ABC stands for:

Audit Bureau of Circulation, which certifies the audited statistics on the circulation of a publication.

41 - Abdul Haleem Sharar's Literary magazine was:


42 - Abu'al Kalam Azad issued weekly:


43 - According to an estimate how many percent of the rural population listens to radio?


44 - According to Garcn de Tassy, the circulation of Koh-i-Noor in 1854 rose to:


45 - According to television constructs a reality of the world that, although possibly inaccurate, becomes accepted simply because we as a culture believe it to be true:

Cultivation analysis

46 - Account management is the department in an ad agency in which:

An account executive serves as liason between agency and client

47 - Accrdited journalists are the Journalists having permission cards from the Home Department for press from the Home Department for press duties:


48 - Accredited means:

A senior journalist having accreditation card from the information department.

49 - Add means:

An addition to a news item already sent; later information added to a story already written.

50 - AFP' is the news agency of:


51 - After independence, a great many literary Urdu journals began their journey while the old ones continued theirs. Among the new ones that made ripples were:

Both (a) and (b)

52 - After Qarardad-e-Lahore, Quaid-i-Azam established a trust and under the supervision of this trust two dailies were started from Delhi, e.e., Dawn and:


53 - After returning from London, Sir Syed started:


54 - After the advent of the transistor radio, the Govt. of Pakistan increased broadcasting stations from:

6 to 16

55 - After Zamindar the largest circulated newspaper was:


56 - Agenda setting is the main objective:

Is the subject of mass communication

57 - Agenda-setting is a theory that argues that:

Media do not tell uus what to think, but what to think about

58 - Agra Akhbar of Agra appeared in:


59 - Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi's Literary magazine was:


60 - Ain-e-Sikandari' was published from Calcutta in _____ under the supervision of Mirza Ghalib:


61 - AIR means:

All India Radio

62 - Akhbar Scientific Society was published on ______ from Aligarh:

March 3. 1866

63 - Akhbar Scientific Society' was published on:

March 3. 1866

64 - Akhbar Scientific Society"" was associated with:

Sir Syed

65 - Akhbar Scientific Society"" was published on _______ from Aligarh:

March 3. `865

66 - Akhbar-a-Aam' was started on:

January 1. 1871

67 - Akhbar-e-Azam was started on.

January 1. 1871

68 - Akhbar-e-Jahan' was issued on:

January 1. 1967

69 - Akhbar-e-Khawatin' was started in


70 - Akhbar-e-Khawatin"" started in:


71 - Akhter Shirani's Literary magazine was:

Both (a) and (b)

72 - ALD' is the news agency of:


73 - Al-Hilal was issued in:


74 - ALI' is the news agency of:


75 - All in hand means:

It is said when all the copy has been given out to the compositors.

76 - Al-Waheed' was issued from:


77 - Al-Waheed' was started in:


78 - Al-Waheed"" was started in:


79 - Al-Waheed"", was issued from:


80 - Among the earliest ""newspapers"" were the Acta Diurna,

Daily reports of the actions of the Roman Senate.

81 - Among the many publics with whom PR professionals interact are ______ . They are served through press packets, briefings, and facilitating access to organization newsmakers in order to build trust and, goodwill:

The media

82 - An ad agency that earns revenues through a retainer:

Bills clients at an agreed-upon price for ad production

83 - An alliterate person:

Is unwilling to read

84 - An example of occurs when your newspaper gets wet and it is difficult to read page 1 because page 2 bleeds through.

Noise in mass communiation

85 - An individual who believes that a breakdown of traditional values will be the inevitable result of the spread of the Internet is said to believe in:

Technological determinism

86 - ANA' is the news agency of:


87 - AND' is the news agency of:


88 - Andersch Stats and Bostrom model of communication was presented in:


89 - ANGOP' is the news agency of:


90 - Anjuman Taraqqi-i-Urdu's Literary magazine was:

Qaumi Zaban

91 - ANSA' is the news agency of:


92 - ANTARA' is the news agency of:


93 - Any message given by other than the literal interpretation of words is called:

None of these

94 - AP stands for:

Associated Press, an international US news agency.

95 - APA stands for:

Associated press of America.

96 - APNA Channel is a Pubjabi language satellite television channel broadcasting from:


97 - APNA channel is available on satellite via:

Thaicom 5

98 - APNA Channel was launched on:

14th October, 2005

99 - APNEC stands for:

All Pakistan Newspapers Employees Confederation

100 - APNS stands for:

All Pakistan Newspapers Society

101 - APP is the abbreviation of:

Associated Press of Pakistan

102 - APP is the abbreviation of:

Associated Press of Pakistan

103 - APP stands for:

Associated Press of Pakistan.

104 - APS' is the news agency of:


105 - ARY Digital, formerly known as:

Pakistani Channel

106 - ARY Digital, was launched in the:


107 - ARY Zauq launched in:


108 - As a first step towards the introduction of T.V. in Pakistan an agreement was signed with the:


109 - As a first Urdu daily of Bihar, 'Dini Bihar' started in:


110 - Asr-e-Jadid' was started from:


111 - Asr-e-Jadid' was started in:


112 - Asr-e-Jadid"" was published from:


113 - Asr-e-Jadid"" was started in:


114 - Assignment means:

News gathering task assigned to a reporter

115 - Asterisk means:

A star shaped character which is used in a text to link it with a footnot.

116 - At present PTV Headquarters Offices are at:


117 - At present the headquarters offices of PTV are at:


118 - ATA' is the news agency of:


119 - ATV was launched on:

June 24th 2005

120 - AUP' is the news agency of:


121 - Awaz TV is a Sindhi language Television channel with headquarters based in Karachi was launched in:


122 - Awaz TV is available via satellite on:

AstaSat 3S

123 - Az-Zubair; a quarterly by Bahawalpur's Urdu Academy launched in:


124 - Az-Zubair's first editor was:

Allama Shabbir Bukhari

125 - Az-Zubair's special issue on libraries, surveyed important libraries of the Indo-Pak subcontinent, including larger personal collections published in:


126 - Bank means:

A deck or a section of a headline usually refers to decks below the first.

127 - Banner Advertising is a type of advertising related to:

Outdoor Advertising

128 - Barnlund's Transactional model of communication was presented in:


129 - BATRA' is the news agency of:


130 - BBC, the British Broadcasting Company started functioning in which year?

November, 1922

131 - Beat means:

The particular department or area assigned to a reporter for full coverage

132 - Because it is imprecise to speak of ""source"" and ""receiver"" in communication, Osgood and Schramm replaced these concepts with in their model of commuication.


133 - Becker's Mosaic model of communication was presented in:


134 - BELGA' is the news agency of:


135 - Bengal Harkaro was owned by:

Dwarka Tagor

136 - BERNAMA' is the news agency of:


137 - Binder means:

A small banner head across an inside page

138 - Blind Interview means:

Interview story that does not disclose the name of person interviewed

139 - Block booking refers to:

A distributor forcing an exhibitor to take an inferior film in order to secure access to a better one

140 - Blocking-out means:

Eliminating unwanted backgrounds and portions of a negative by opaquing the part.

141 - Blow-up means:

An enlargement of a story etc.

142 - Blurb means:

A publisher's commendatory description of a book commonly printed on the jacket.

143 - Boil down means:

To reduce a news story in its length in wording

144 - Books that are published especially for sale to schools are called:

El-hi books

145 - Books were the first mass-produced product, speeding the development of:


146 - Box means:

An item covered on all four sides with a border to enclose short important news.

147 - Box story means:

News story enclosed in a box.

148 - BSS' is the news agency of:


149 - Buldog edition means:

Name given to an early edition or edition at irregular hour.

150 - Bull means:

The first edition of side.

151 - By the year 1924 there were following radio stations in the United States:


152 - By whom the American Radio and Research Corporation was broadcasting concert in 1916:

David Sarnoff

153 - Byline means:

Name of a reporter printed above the story.

154 - Calcutta General advertiser is popularly known as:

Hicky's Gazette

155 - Caps means:

Capital letters

156 - Caption means:

A brief illustration of a picture beneath.

157 - Catch line means:

A word or phrase written at top of a story above headline.

158 - Chakbast's Literary magazine was:


159 - Chiragh Hassan Hasrat's Literary magazine was:


160 - Circulation means:

Number of the copies sold. Classified - It refers to small advertisements printed in particular small type and classified by subject. E.g. matrimonial, rent a car and so on.

161 - City Desk means:

Department of a newspaper dealing with the local news.

162 - Civic Journalism refers to:

Newspapers actively engaging the community in their reporting of important issues

163 - Clipping means:

A cutting of an item from a newspaper.

164 - CNS' is the news agency of:


165 - Col means:

Abbreviated form of column.

166 - Col rule means:

A light rule frequently used to separate columns of type.

167 - Columnist means:

Journalist regularly writing a newspaper or periodical with a permanent label headline on his writings.

168 - Communication is _____ word:


169 - Communication is a:


170 - Communication is a:


171 - Communication without words:

Non-Verbal communication

172 - Comp Compositor:

An abbreviation for compositor, the man who composes, or translates, transcript into metal type. Also printer's term for the man who sets type by and or by a machine.

173 - Computers rely on a binary code for data storage and manipulation. That is, they reduce information to:

The digits 1 and 0

174 - Comrade and Hamdard are associated with the personality:

Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar

175 - Comrade's objectives were to:

Both of the above

176 - Concept films:

Can be described in one line and are thus easy to promote and market

177 - Concerns raised over the conglomeration of the music business include all of the following except:

The increase in disk jockey autonomy

178 - Continuation of a story on another page is called:

None of these

179 - Copy writer means:

Creator of verbal portion of advertising messages.

180 - Copyright means:

Formal legal procedure for protecting exclusive use to authors, photographers and the other artists of their creative work.

181 - Corantos were:

One page news sheets about events on the European continent that were printed in English in Holland and imported into England by booksellers

182 - Correspondent means:

A reporter who is on duty away from the office of the newspaper.

183 - Cover means:

Together news about an event.

184 - CPNE is a representative body of:

Newspaper editors

185 - CPNE is the representative body of:


186 - CPNE is the representative body of:


187 - CPNE stands for :

Council of Newspapers Editors

188 - Credit bureaus and marketing associations can easily obtain:

All of the above

189 - Creed means:

The telegraphic type-writer (teleprinter) by which newspaper offices receive messages from news agencies.

190 - Crop means:

To cut down a photograph or a plate in size.

191 - Cross line or Crosshead means:

A single line heading placed in the text of a story and centered in the column width.

192 - CSTK' is the news agency of:


193 - Cultter refers specifically to:

The cramming of several short commercial spots into a minute or two of broadcast time

194 - Daily ""Frontier Post"" was published on ______ :

March 23. 1986

195 - Daily ""Imroz"" was published from:


196 - Daily ""Khabrain"" was started on:

September 26. 1992

197 - Daily ""Massawat"" started in:


198 - Daily ""Muslim"" was started from Islamabad in:


199 - Daily Azad was started by:

Pakistan Peoples Party

200 - Daily DAWN was started in:



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