Journalism Most Important MCQs: Set#. 5

801 - TMN TV a news and general entertainment statellite channel, that will be launched by:

Both (a) & (b)

802 - To be considered a daily, a newspaper has to appear at least:

Seven times a week

803 - To control journalism, British introduced its first law on journalism in:


804 - To which newspapers these renowned journalists did belong: Main Iftikhar-ud-Din, Desmond Young, Faiz Ahmed faiz, Mazhar Ali Khan and Mohammad Shaft?

Pakistan Times

805 - Traditionalists argue that commercialization of the Internet

Will lead to growing privatization and control

806 - TT' is the news agency of:


807 - UNI' is the news agency of:


808 - UPA stand for:

United Press of America

809 - UPI is the abbreviation of:

United Press of India

810 - UPI is the abbreviation of:

United Press of India

811 - UPI' is the news agency of:


812 - UPP' is the news agency of:


813 - Urdu Dictionary Board's Literary magazine was:

Urdu Nama

814 - Urdu Digest' was published by:


815 - Urdu Digest' was published in:

November. 1960

816 - Urdu Digest"" was published by:

Both (a) & (b)

817 - Urdu Digest"" was published on

November. 1960

818 - Urdu Guide' was the first daily newspaper, which was started by Maulvi Kabeer-ud-Din from Kolkata in:


819 - Urdu-e-Moalla published firstly from Aligarh and later on from:


820 - Urdu-i-Maulla' was started by:

Maulana Hasrat Mohani

821 - Urdu-i-Mualla' was started in:


822 - Urdu-i-Mualla"" was started by:

Maulana Hasrat Mohani

823 - Urdu-i-Mualla"" was started in:


824 - Usenet:

Is the internationally distributed bulletin board system on the Internet

825 - Uses and gratifications theory argues that:

Media don't do things to people, rather, perple do things with media

826 - Vazeer Agba's Literary magazine was:


827 - Visual Transmission began in Quetta in:

November. 1976

828 - Visual Transmission began in Quetta in:

November. 1974

829 - VNA' is the news agency of:


830 - Wat is ABC?

Audit Bureau of Circulation

831 - Wax - Wylie wrote:

Radio and T.V writing

832 - Weekly ""Zamindar"" was started by:

Maulvi Siraj-ul-Din

833 - Weekly Zamindar started its publication from Lahore from:

Mau 11. 1911

834 - Weekly 'Zamindar' was started by:

Maulvi Siraj-ud-Din

835 - Wesley and Macleans model of communication was presented in:


836 - What is ""Dummy""?

Make-up of newspaper

837 - What is ""Lithography""?

A method of printing

838 - What is byline?

Reporter's name printed with story

839 - What is common between these three newspapers: Sadaq-ul-Akhbar?

These all were Dehli based

840 - What is Dura Acta?

Orders relate to the senate's activity

841 - What is editorial?

A point of view of the newspaper

842 - What is embargo?

A ban on publication before a specific date

843 - What is lithography?

A method of printing

844 - What is typography?

A branch of photography

845 - What is yellow journalism?

Exploitative sensational

846 - When a first small and weak radio transmitter was installed in Y.M.CA building, Lahore?


847 - When BBC was founded?


848 - When P.T.V. started its morning transmission:


849 - When Radio Pakistan started FM transmission?

October. 1998

850 - When the first known programme was broadcasted?


851 - When was broadcasting gained attention?


852 - When was broadcasting started in Sub-Continent?


853 - When was broadcasting started in Sub-continent?


854 - When was broadcasting started in Sub-continent?


855 - When was Pakistan Broadeasting Corporation established?

20th December 1972

856 - When was T.V begin?


857 - When was T.V. begin?


858 - When was the first issue of the Hickey Gazette appeared?

Jan 29. 1780

859 - When was the first known programme broadeast?


860 - When was the first known programme was broadcast?


861 - When you read Slate or Salon, you're reading magazine:

An online

862 - Where the first Radio sttion of Indian Broadcasting service was inaugurated:


863 - Which category of newspaper has seen the greatest decline in circulation since 1970?

Evening metropolitan dailies

864 - Which celebrated English novelist, proclaimed: ""Muhammad Ali possessed the pen of Macaulay, the tongue of Burke and the heart of Napoleon"":

H.G. Wells

865 - Which company of Japan, started two pilot TV stations in Pakistan?

Nippon Electronic Company

866 - Which country invented printing press first:


867 - Which country invented Printing Press first:


868 - Which country invented Printing Press first:


869 - Which is the both the government's own news agency and the official carrier of international wire service stories to the local mdia?


870 - Which is the largest circulated newspaper of Pakistan?

The Jang

871 - Which journalist was interned for a period of about five years, ranging from November 23, 1915 to 1919?

Muhammad Ali Johar

872 - Which missionaries established first press in the Sub-continent?

Portuguese missionaries

873 - Which missionaries established first press in the Sub-continent?

Portuguese missionaries

874 - Which Muslim ruler introduced Newsletters in India?


875 - Which Muslim rulers introduced Newsletters in India?


876 - Which Muslim ruling dynasty introduced Newsletters in India?


877 - Which newspaper appeared in March 1940 in a small size as fortnightly in 1942, it was changed into weekly after sometimes and later, on 22 March became a daily?


878 - Which of the following advertising strategies is legal?

Puffery, such as describing calories as food energy

879 - Which of the following is not a stage in the history of public relations?

The modern technological era

880 - Which of the following is not one of the categories rated by Net Shepherd?


881 - Which of the private Pakistani TV Channel has the greatest number of viewers?

None of these

882 - Which official is called the pilot of the newspaper?

The news editor

883 - Which organization regulates electronic media in Pakistan?

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority

884 - Which paper was started as an Urdu counterpart of the Civil and Military Gazette in May, 1953:


885 - Which Persian nespaper from Peshawar published false report and Colonel Nicholson put editor in prison:


886 - Which semi official paper started under the patronage of the Deputy Commissioner of Lahore:


887 - Which was the court gazette of Bhadar Shah Zafar?


888 - Who developed printing with moveable type?

Johann Gutenberg

889 - Who developed printing with moveable type?

Johann Gutenberg

890 - Who developed printing with moveable type?

Johan Gutenberg

891 - Who edited the well-khown Ain-i-Akbari of Abu'al Fazal?

Sir Syed

892 - Who for the first time appointed Waqa-inawees (newsmen) in all areas to keep the government well informed?

Sultans of Delhi

893 - Who inaugurated Peshawar broadcasting station?

Sir Ralf Grifth

894 - Who invented Radio?


895 - Who invented Radio?


896 - Who invented T.V.?

J.L. Baird

897 - Who invented T.V.?

J.L. Baird

898 - Who invented Television?


899 - Who is the most important person in the T.V. News:

None of these

900 - Who issued at start of 2nd World War two pamphlet type newspapers in Urdu i.e., Jang and Anjam?


901 - Who made the very first announcement in Urdu from Lahore Radio Sttion on August 14, 1947:

Mustafa Ali Mandani

902 - Who published Urdu-e-Moalla:

Molana Hasrat Mohani

903 - Who shifted weekly Zameendar to Lahore?

Zafar Ali Khan

904 - Who started Hamdard, an Urdu daily, from Delhi in 1913?

Muhammad Ali Johar

905 - Who started Paisa Akhbar from Lahore?

Maulvi Mehboob Alam

906 - Who started weekly Zameendar?

Maulana Siraj-ud-Din

907 - Who strengthened the system of Waqa-inawees (newsmen) in the Subcontinent?


908 - Who was the first Editor of daily ""Nawa-e-Waqt""?

Hameed Nizami

909 - Who was the first editor of the daily Jang?

Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman

910 - Who was the first to disseminate news?

Julius Caesar

911 - Who was the first to disseminate news?

Julius Caesar

912 - Who was the founder of the Dawn?

Haroon brothers

913 - Who was the guiding force behind all the Missionary newspapers?

Mr. Marshman

914 - With the publication of, public relations pioneer Ivy Lee moved the focus of his profession from primarily dispensing publicity to providing information:

Declaration of Principles

915 - Write down the name of the first well-known American broadcasting station?


916 - XINHUA' is the news agency of:


917 - Yellow Journalism is a newspaper journal printed on cheap yellow papers:


918 - YONHAP' is the news agency of:


919 - You are most likely to find a griot in:

Preliterate cultures

920 - Your McDonald's hamburger comes with a toy based on a character from a popular movie. This phenomenon is an example of:

A merchandise tie-in

921 - Zafar Ali Khan's Literary magazine was:


922 - Zamindar started appearing as a daily from:

October 15. 1911

923 - Zamindar was launched by:

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

924 - Zamindar, newspaper greatly supported the freedom struggle that time the circulation of Zamindar was:


925 - Zamindar', was started in 1903 from:


926 - ZIANA' is the news agency of:


927 - Zindagi' was issued on:

September 6. 1969

928 - Zindagi"" was issued on:

September 6. 1969

929 - Zubdat-ul-Akhbar from Agra was written by:

Maulvi Syed Muhammad Khan


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