Importants Pair of Words 11th English (Grammar)

Pairs of Words

Pair of Words

Importants Words

Accept: Teacher has accepted my application

Except: All were present except Ali.

Access: He has no access to the minister

excess: Excess of everything is bad.

Advice: He did not act upon my advice.

Advise: Teachers advise me to work hard.

Affect: Fever affected his health.

Effect: Smoking has bad effect on health.

Adapt: A wise man adapts himself in good habits.

Adopt: Do not adopt unfair means.

Addition: He is a good addition in our class

Edition: The new edition of this book has published.

Altar: People took sheep to the altar in the past.

Alter: He altered his mind.

Angle: There are three angles in a triangle.

Angel: He saw an angel in his dream.

Bail: He was released on bail.

Bale: Farmer sold fifty bales of cotton.

Ballet: I like Chinese ballet.

Ballot: PPP was elected by ballot.

Beat: We should not beat the children.

Beet: Beet is also used to make sugar.

Yolk: Yolk is very useful for health.

Yoke: He bought yoke yesterday.

Bridal: She looks beautiful in her bridal dress.

Bridle: Hold the bridle of your horse.

Brake: The failure of breaks cause accident.

Break: He broke a chair.

Beside: There is a mosque beside my house.

Besides: Besides cooking, she also like painting.

Canon: We should follow the canons of Islam.

Cannon: We saw a cannon in LHR Qila.

Canvas: I wear canvas in winter.

Canvass: Candidates are canvassing for votes in elections.

Cast: We should cast our votes.

Caste: He does not believe in cast and creed.

Cell: The murderer was sent to the death cell.

Sell: We want to sell a car.

Cite: He always cites from the Holy Quran.

Site: The principal visited the new site for the college.

Coma: He remained in coma for two days.

Comma: Comma is an important symbol of punctuation.

Cue: Faisal gave him a cue to solve the problem.

Queue: There was a long queue outside the bank.

Course: I bought new course this year.

Coarse: I do not like coarse clothes.

Corpse: I saw corpse in the road.

Corps: My brother serves in the medical corps of army.

Check: Please check my homework.

Cheque: I got a cheque book from the bank.

Diary: I bought a diary yesterday.

Dairy: Children like dairy products.

Dose: patient took a dose of medicine.

Doze: He was dozing in the class.

Die: He died of cancer

Dye: Please dye my shirt.

Dew: Dew drops look like pearls

Due: He does come to school due illness.

Dual: He as dual personality.

Duel: he challenges me a duel.

Device: Calculator is a useful device.

Devise: He devised a new machine.

Desert: The camel is called the ship of the desert.

Dessert: Dessert was served after the dinner.

Elder: My elder brother is an engineer.

Older: My car is older than that of yours.

Eligible: Aslam is not eligible for this post.

Illegible: His handwriting is illegible.

Eminent: Iqbal was an eminent poet.

Imminent: Oil prices is increases imminent.

Envelop: She enveloped the papers and threw them away.

Envelope: She gave me an envelope to post.

Farther: Karachi is farther than Islamabad.

Further: He asked me further help.

Fair: We should be fair in our affairs.

Fare: I paid the train fare.

Feet: Her feet are very coarse.

Feat: The juggler performs his feats.

Floor: She cleaned the floor.

Flour: Price of flour is very high.

Foul: He is playing a foul game.

Fowl: I like fowls.

Gait: She walks with a beautiful gait.

Gate: This house a brown gate.

Goal: We should work hard to achieve our goals.

Goal: The prisoner was sent to goal.

Hail: It is hailing.

Hale: Ali is hale and hearty.

Heal: Her wound took a long time to heal.

Heel: She likes to wear high heel shoes.

Idol: The Hindus worship idols.

Idle: Do not waste your time by sitting idle.

Industrial: Faisalabad is an industrious city.

Industrious: Industrious students always succeed in their life.

Kettle: She poured tea from the kettle.

Cattle: Cattle were grazing in the fields.

Knotty: Find out some solution for this knotty problem.

Naughty: The teacher is punishing the naughty boys.

Liar: Don't tell him a liar.

Lawyer: Naseem Hasan is a famous lawyer.

Lose: Aslam lost his book in the college.

Loose: His shirt is always loose.

Lion: I saw a lion in the zoo.

Loin: He has pain in his loin.

Lesson: All lessons are important.

Lessen: We should lessen our expenses.

Mail: He mailed a letter to his mother.

Male: This room is only for male.

Marry: She will not marry with a poor man.

Merry: Forget your past and be merry.

Meet: I will meet her tomorrow.

Meat: She does not eat meat.

Metal: Iron is a cheap metal.

Mettle: This is the test of your mettle.

Medal: Asim won a gold medal.

Meddle: He always meddles in my affairs.

Miner: Many miners were lost in the mine.

Minor: Minor mistakes should be ignored.

Moral: Teachers provide us moral support.

Morale: You must keep your morale high.

Patrol: Police is patrolling the bazaar.

Petrol: Petrol prices have gone up.

Peace: Pakistan is a peace-loving country.

Piece: Please give me a piece of chalk.

Pore: There are many pores in the human body.

Pour: Please pour tea in the cup.

Principal: The principal of our college is very generous.

Principle: You must follow the principles of Islam.

Pane: He broke the window pane.

Pain: I have a severe pain in my knee.

Pray: I always pray for my parents.

Prey: The lion attacked its prey.

Quiet: Please, be quiet in the classroom.

Quite: I am quite well.

Rain: It is raining in Murree.

Reign: Hazrat Umer ñ reign was ideal.

Right: He is the right man for this job.

Rite: We love our customs and rites.

Ring: The peon is ringing the bell.

Wring: She is winging the clothes.

Sweet: I bought some sweets for the children.

Sweat: Sweat was falling from his face.

Tale: He told me an interesting tale.

Tail: My cat has a long tail.

Tamper: He tampered the ball with his nail.

Temper: We must learn to control our temper.

Team: A ricket team has eleven players.

Teem: His brain is teeming with new ideas.

Urban: I like urban life.

Urbane: We should adopt urbane manners.

Vain: He tried hard to win but all in vain.

Vein: There are countless veins in human body.

Vale: I want to visit every vale of Pakistan.

Veil: She covered her face with veil.

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