Poems Questions Answers (11th English)

Poems Questions Answers

All 20 Poems Questions Answers

Book-III, Poems

Poem No 1

The Rain

Q.No1: How can a rainy day be enjoyed?

Ans: We can enjoy rainy day by playing in the grounds. We ca bath with the raindrops. We can go to the riverside or some historical place to enjoy picnic.

Poem No 2

Night Mail

Q.No 1: What does Night mail bring?

Ans: It brings cheques and letters for the people.

Q.No 2: Who can not turn its course?

Ans: Sheep-dogs can not turn its course.

Poem No 3

Loveliest of the trees, the Cherry now

Q.No 1: Which fruit is mentioned in the poem?

Ans: "Cherry" is the fruit which is mentioned in the poem.

Q.No 2: What time of the year is mentioned In the poem?

Ans: It is spring season.

Q.No 3: How old is the poet?

Ans: He is seventy years old.

Poem No 4

O where are you going?

Q.No 1: What kind of feeling does the poet create in the minds of the reader?

Ans: He creates the feelings that if we want to reach our destination we should be courageous and hardworking. We should face hardships and trials with patience.

Q.No 2: What does the title of the poem signify?

Ans: It is a kind of warning that realizes us to reconsider our direction of decisions.

Poem No 5

In the street of fruit stalls

Q.No1: What are the feelings of poet standing in dark?

Ans: The word dark signifies the hardships of the world. Although the children are enjoying in the street yet the poet's point of view makes him sad. He feels dejected standing in dark.

Q.No 2: Why has the poet used "Cannonballs" to describe the fruits?

Ans : He uses cannonballs to describe the fruits to show us the hard realities of life. Hardships changes everybody's point of view.

Poem No 6

Sindhi woman

Q.No 1: What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman?

Ans: The poet says only those people can live with grace and dignity who face hardships of life manfully.

Q.No 2: What is the main idea of the poem?

Ans: "Hardships make you strong and dignified" is the main idea of the poem.

Q.No 3: What kind of picture of Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem?

Ans: It is very ugly picture of Karachi slums. Stones, pieces of glasses and bread are found everywhere.

Poem No. 8


Q.No 1: What kind of feelings does the poem create in readers mind?

Ans: This poem is a short description of the rise and fall of man's life. It says that life is mortal. We should not be proud but a humble person.

Q.No 2: What did the traveler see in the desert?

Ans: He saw a statue whose vast legs of stone were standing in the desert. Its frowned face was half-sunk in the sand

Poem No.9

The Feed

Q.No 1: What does the sparrow hold in her beak?

Ans: She is holding a grain of millet in her beak.

Q.No 2: How many young ones are to be fed?

Ans: Ten young ones are to be fed.

Poem No. 10

The Hollow men

Q.No 1: Why does the poet call modern men as hollow men?

Ans: The poet says that modern men are lazy and powerless. They are speechless and do not have positive approach towards life. These shortcomes make them hollow men.

Poem No. 11


Q.No 1: Why has the poet given poem the title "Leisure"?

Ans: In this poem the poet says that man is spending very busy life. He does not have the time to see the real beauty of this world. Therefore the poet has given his poem the title "Leisure" because this spare time can allow a man to see the beauty of th

Poem No. 12


Q.No 1: Who was Abraham (A.S) ?

Ans: Hazrat Abraham (A.S) was the prophet of Allah.

Q.No 2: What is worse than slavery?

Ans: To have no faith is worse than slavery.

Q.No 3: Who can not compete with the civilization of Makkah?

Ans: The people of Europe can not compete with the civilization of Makkah. Because only Muslims have Makkah that unites them all over the world.

Q.No 4: What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless?

Ans: The lack of love for Allah and humanity has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless.

Poem No. 13

Poem No. 13

Q.No 1: Why did the people of Japan look powerless and helpless?

Ans: When America dropped atom bomb on Japan it destroyed everything. Therefore the survived people looked powerless and helpless.

Q.No 2: Under what circumstances the victims of atom bomb have to pass through? OR Describe the scene of devastation?

Ans: It was terrible situation for them. They had nothing to eat and wear. Everything was destroyed. There was no scene but the weeping faces of helpless people.

Q.No 3: What is the moral lesson of the poem?

Ans: "Trail and tribulations make a nation great" is the moral lesson of the poem.

Poem No. 14

My neighbor friend breathing his last

Q.No 1: When does a person remember God?

Ans: When a person is in pain or in terrible condition, he remembers God. Because he finds no helper but God.

Q.No 2: What is the effect of the death scene?

Ans: Death scene shows us the reality of this mortal world. Its shocking effect brings us near to Allah.

Q.No 3: Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend?

Ans: It is because a man can not save his friend from death. He knows that his friend will never come again in this world. All these things make a person feel helpless.

Q.No 4: What does flare up flames in heart to height?

Ans: The shock of separation of the poet from his spiritual guide flares up the flames in heat to height.

Q.No 5: Without whose love is Bullah in loss?

Ans Without Allah's love Bullah is in loss.

Poem No. 15

He came to know himself

Q.No 1: Why does the poet emphasize on how to know himself?

Ans: The "self" of a person is a mirror to see Allah. One can not reach Allah without recognizing his "self". Therefore The poet emphasizes to know himself.

Q.No 2: What makes a person entangled in love?

Ans L When a person recognizes his "self" he starts seeing unlimited treasures of God. This feeling makes him Entangled in love.

Q.No 3: Why did Mansoor mount the gallows?

Ans: Mansoor was blessed with the love of God. In his heart there was nothing but God. This world was meaningless For him. So, he mounted the gallows to reach his God.

Q.No 4: What is the bare truth?

Ans The bare truth is this that there is nothing in this would but God. He is in the hearts of pious people. Once a man sees His light he submits himself before Him.

Q.No 5: What is the poet saying about his sojourn on the earth ?

Ans: The poet says that there is nothing in this world but God. He has created everything and His light is everywhere in this universe.

Poem No. 16

God's Attributes

Q.No 1: How many attributes of God are mentioned in the poem?

Ans: Three attributes of God are mentioned in the poem. They are the "knowing", the "Seeing" and the "Hearing".

Q.No 2: What makes one scare of sinning?

Ans: God is all "Seeing" makes every one scare of sinning.

Q.No 3: What are the effects of the attributes of God? OR How do the attributes help in refining the character of a person?

Ans: The attributes of God make the character of a person exemplary. A person tries to keep himself away from evil deeds because he knows that Allah is seeing and hearing him every time.

Q.No 4: God calls himself "Hearing" How does this attribute of God help one in daily speech?

Ans: When a person realizes that God is all "Hearing" he refrains himself from using harsh and bad words in his speech.

Poem No.17

The delight song

Q.No 1: What do you understand hen the poet says " I am the shadow that follows a child"?

Ans: The poet is much impressed by the innocent nature of the child. A child always does folly and enjoyable tricks. So, the poet also wants to enjoy by following the child.

Q.No 2: How can the crust of the snow glitter?

Ans: The crust of the snow glitters when the rays of light fall on it.

Q.No 3: What is the result of man's good relation with the earth and the lords?

Ans: If a man is in good relations with the earth and the lords. He can spend a very happy and enjoyable life in this world.

Q.No 4: What are the things that keep a person alive?

Ans: Everything that is beautiful and fruitful keeps a man alive.

Poem No. 18

Love' An essence of all religions

Q.No 1: Why does the poet put emphasize on love? OR What is the effect of love?

Ans: The poet emphasizes on love because love is essence of all religions. Love can change a devil person into a pious man. It can make this world a paradise.

Q.No 2: Is life worth-living without love?

Ans: No, life is not worth-living without love because love is the reality of this world.

Poem No.19

A man or words and not of deeds

Q.No 1: How does the life of a man pass through different phases of it?

Ans: This poem is about a talkative man. The poet says that a talkative man spends an inactive life and does not use his abilities in right direction. So, with the passage of time his inactivity ruins his life completely.

Q.No 2: What happens when life is not of deeds but is full of words?

Ans: The life, full of words and not of deeds always leads to ultimate destruction.

Q.No 3: What Is the condition of the garden when the weeds start growing.?

Ans: The garden becomes useless when weeds start growing in it. Because you can not expect fruit from weeds.

Poem No 20

Broken Images

Q.No 1: What is the condition of two persons, one who trusts clear images and the other who mistrusts the broken Images?

Ans: The person who trusts the clear images assumes facts because he trusts them. But he gets confused when the facts fail him. The second person who mistrusts his broken images always questions their relevance and finds the reality

Q.No 2: Why does a person question his senses when the facts fail him?

Ans: A person who assumes the facts does not question their relevance. But when the facts fails him he questions his senses.

Q.No 3: Who is in new confusion of his understanding?

Ans: The person who trusts clear images and does not question their relevance is in new confusion of his understanding.

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